Elephants are the largest land animal on earth. Their giant body size almost as big as a single-story house. Equals the weight of an elephant weighs about 50 people. Age elephants usually reaches 70 years.
Generally, elephants live in groups with a total of 30 rats. A female elephant watching his flock, and others are working together carried out the orders of the leader. In this herd there are always strict discipline and leadership levels.
Si Jago Eating
An elephant spends 225 kg of food per day. Meant, an elephant herd consists of 30 individuals spent approximately 7000 kg of food per day. For animals of this size, living under the hot sun stings are a serious threat. To avoid feeling thirsty, they must find the source of water daily. For that, they could walk 50 km without took a rest, traveling for three days without water. Thus, their bodies have been created with the most perfect and by considering the various calculations very carefully so that they can survive in their environment
There's no finger, Trunk Pun So
The proboscis is the most precious treasure for the elephants. He was able to perform a number of different functions. In the 1700s, scientists believed that the elephant's trunk is made up of one muscle only. However, modern research and then deny it.
Muscles human body compiler approximately 639 pieces, while in the elephant's trunk totaling tens of thousands. This resembles the circular muscle piled one on top of each other thus allowing the elephant to move very freely.
The proboscis is composed of two major muscle groups. Muscles are connected diagonally allows trunk to bend and rotate in any direction. This allows the trunk muscle group functions like a lever. He was able to lift heavy loads. Other muscle groups allows the elephant to do the most complicated job with a super-sophisticated control system.
Part of this same trunk skilfully with human fingers. The proboscis is more than an elephant's nose. He is everything. When the trunk injury, an elephant will die within a short time.
Supporting the theory of evolution states, special traits in animals are formed by itself, little by little, gradually, without deliberate design. However, the intricate designs and perfect on the elephant's trunk can function only if there are hundreds of thousands of muscles simultaneously and work together well. For example, if only one group of muscles is absent, then the elephant would not be able to move the trunk and will soon die. However, elephants have been using their proboscis well since millions of years ago.
Flawless design in the elephant's body once again proves to us, God who has created all living things.
Wearing elephant 'Shoes'
Elephant weighs 5 tons more. Although very heavy, they walked with a light and comfortable. All this happened because of the existence of a special design on the body of an elephant. If only they were slightly larger size, so their feet would not be able to sustain it. But the elephant has a foot that is truly a miracle of design. Thus, although the body of an elephant is very heavy, they run with very mild.
Thick pads of spongy tissue, which grows as a layer on the bottom of each elephant foot, absorb shock weight. Bearing layer is spreading effect of pressure imposed an elephant to the ground. That enabled it to lift feet with ease. Thanks to this cushion, the elephant is able to walk long distances while his body was very heavy. According to the laws of physics, a woman's high heel shoes will provide a greater pressure on the soil surface than a foot of an elephant.
The theory of evolution states that living beings evolved to be the perfect shape as it is now. If this theory is correct, then the elephant does not have this spongy tissue in the leg would not be able to walk since the first day they came into the world, and therefore will die of hunger and thirst.
This does not happen, because since the beginning of the elephant in the form it has dicptakan indeed been a complete and perfect, without any shortage. This all shows us on one important fact: the elephant is the proof of the perfection of the creation of the Almighty, the Knower. He is Allah, the Creator of all things.
His body was large, spoke inaudibly
Scientists have long studied elephant communication systems. Research shows, they communicate using infrasonic sound inaudible by human ears. Infrasonic sound allows elephants to talk using a special language with the other elephants as far apart as four kilometers. In addition, scientists have discovered 30 different types of elephant calls.
Infrasonic signal is formed when a large body of mass moving as the eruption of a volcano. This is similar to the sound that can only be felt. Infrasonic sound is very strong, but includes low-frequency waves. Humans can hear only with the help of a special recording device. Initially, the animals are believed to be capable of producing this type of sound is just a whale, the largest sea creatures. But we now know, elephants are also using the same technique to communicate among themselves.
According to scientists, in good weather, the elephant is able to hear the call, a distance of 10 km with infrasonic waves. This amazing ability we will reveal the existence of communication networks that reach a very wide area. This special communication device was created by God's amazing skills to an elephant.
The main advantage lies in the power of infrasound waves rambatannya. High frequency sound with a short wave will lose its strength in a short time. However, infrasonic sound has a very long waves that take a long time to weaken. Therefore, elephants are able to regulate the movement of the flock scattered as far as several kilometers.
In case of danger, the elephant has another unique way to communicate. For example, when meeting their rhino stomping hard to the ground so as to produce vibrations which warn other members of the herd. In this way, they can take reasonable precautions to save its members before the hazard occurs.
Special expertise in living organisms is living proof that God has created them. This truth is stated in the Qur'an, "And in your creation, and on the creeping animals are scattered (on earth) there are signs (of Allah) for folk who believe." (QS Al Jaatsiyah [45]: 4)
Every new thing about the elephant show the same truth: the largest land animal on earth, and its special characteristics, have been created by God, God Almighty!
The first nation that destroyed or massively by God is the Prophet Noah. Allah destroy them by bringing the great flood that drowned them. "But they rejected him, so We saved him and those who were with him in the ark, and We drowned those who belied Our verses. Indeed they are a people who are blind (his eyes). "(Surah Al-A'raaf paragraph 64).
According to the Old Testament, the sacred book of the Jews and the Christians who are not genuine, the time of the Prophet Noah's flood that swept the world: And God saw that the wickedness of man on earth is big, and that every imagination of the thoughts in his heart only evil deeds. And this makes God regretted that He had created man on earth, and his heart was sad. And God said, "I'll membinasakah humans who have I put myself in the earth's surface, the two species present, humans and animals, and all that crawled, and birds in the air, they have disappointed me who had created them. However, (the Prophet) Noah get the love in the eyes of God. (Genesis 6: 5-8).
However, according to investigations by experts, the flood that occurred when it did not hit the entire world, but only occurs in the region of Mesopotamia (now including the regions of Iraq), particularly in the lowlands between the rivers Euphrates and Tigris rivers. However, because the valley was so extensive that when there is a super heavy rain for days, the second meluaplah drowned river valleys and the water between two river. So much so that waters the valley that changed as the sea and drown the whole ummah of the Prophet Noah who disbelieve in the valley.
In the years 1922 to 1934 Leonard Woolley of The British Museum and the University of Pennsylvania leads an archaeological excavation in the desert between Baghdad to the Persian Gulf. The venue was once estimated to stand a town called Ur, they were doing the digging.
From the ground surface to five feet down there is a layer of soil that contains a variety of objects made of bronze and silver. This heritage objects Sumerians who lived around 3000 years before Christ. Those nations that have been able to create objects from metal.
Under the first layer, they found a second layer containing the deposit of sand and clay as thick as 2.5 meters. In layers, there are still remnants of small marine animals.
Surprisingly, under layers of sand and clay, there is a third layer contains household objects made of pottery. Pottery was made by human hands. Not find any metal objects in that layer. It is estimated that public heritage objects ancient Sumerians who lived in the Stone Age.
It is estimated by experts, the second layer is silt from flooding that occurred in the days of Noah. Flooding that has drowned the ancient Sumerian society most likely they were a people of Noah-and flood-borne mud was piled perabadan rest of the community. Centuries, or tens of centuries later after the flood passed, then comes back a new community on top of that second layer, ie, Sumerian society 'new' a civilization much more advanced than the Stone Age people who had silted up.
Archaeological investigations in several places to get information, the flood hit areas are very broad, ie, stretching 600 km from north to south and 160 km from west to east. Flood had been sunk at least four ancient Sumerian city communities, namely, Ur, Erech, and Kish Shuruppak.
Evidently, the flood was not sweeping across the world, but only struck an inhabited ummah of the Prophet Noah. Another area that is not the ummah of the Prophet Noah did not flood stricken. The result of these investigations archaeologists with the word of God in the Qur'an that He only destroy the society of a country which has sent a messenger to them, then they deny it. No other country. "And it is not your Lord destroy the towns until He sends in the capital, was a messenger who recite Our Signs to them, and never (too) We destroyed the towns, except for residents in a state of doing kezhaliman. (Surat Al-Qashash ayat59)
Narrated in the Quran, God commands Noah to bring animals of each pair (male and female) into the ark: Until when Our command came and the kitchen was emitting water, We said: "Muatkanlah into the ark of their respective a pair of animals (male and female), and your family except those who had previous assessments against him and (uploaded too) those who believe. " And it is not believed with him that unless a little. (Surah Hud verse 40).
Questions that may arise, whether all the animals on earth was loaded into the boat of Noah? Experts interpret the Book of Christian circles, all the animals that exist on earth, each pair, loaded into the boat of Noah. Because, as said earlier, in the book they said the flood occurred globally. So that must be saved must all living species on earth.
Such a clear interpretation of their own confusion. First, very few followers of Prophet Noah, because most of them failing. With the level of science and technology at very low and very little of their personnel, how they collect thousands or hundreds of thousands of species of living creatures exist on earth?
Means there must be followers of the Prophet Noah has been sent to various parts of the world, and bring home the thousands of species that they encountered with a very large ship. There are followers of Prophet Noah, who with a large ship was sent north and south poles to bring a pair of polar bears, a pair of pelicans, a pair of seals and various other polar animals, and all it brought back their country.
There must also be an expedition ship that was sent to the American continent to bring a pair of bison, a pair of tigers, two bears, a pair of anaconda snakes, a pair of leeches, a pair of piranha fish, a pair of oxen, a pair of cheetahs, sepasan goat, a pair of vultures, a pair of wolves, a pair of dog ticks, and a pair of thousands of other animal species from the continent.
How many years they need to be able to collect all the animals? How much pet food should they prepare? How they can distinguish the male fleas and ticks female? There are how many thousands of cages in which they must prepare an ark for the animals that prey on one another?
After so many ship it back home, thousands or hundreds of thousands of species of animals from all over the world were put into a Noah's ark. How hundreds of thousands of species from all over the world can survive apart from its natural habitat until the flood subsided? Are temporary food chain cycle stopped spinning? No way!
Various questions will be answered with a logical interpretation by those who support a global flood in the days of Noah.
The Qur'an does not mention the time of Prophet Noah's flood swept through the world. As explained in various verses of the Quran, God adzab imposed only to the people who zhalim prophets who deny the teachings, not to the other. So adzabnya any merely local or regional.
Thus animals that are transported Noah did not come from all over the world, but there are only animals in the region, especially animals commonly kept and bred man, like cows, goats, horses, birds, camels and the like. The animals that Noah and his followers needed to prop up their new life after the great flood
The first nation that destroyed or massively by God is the Prophet Noah. Allah destroy them by bringing the great flood that drowned them. "But they rejected him, so We saved him and those who were with him in the ark, and We drowned those who belied Our verses. Indeed they are a people who are blind (his eyes). "(Surah Al-A'raaf paragraph 64).
According to the Old Testament, the sacred book of the Jews and the Christians who are not genuine, the time of the Prophet Noah's flood that swept the world: And God saw that the wickedness of man on earth is big, and that every imagination of the thoughts in his heart only evil deeds. And this makes God regretted that He had created man on earth, and his heart was sad. And God said, "I'll membinasakah humans who have I put myself in the earth's surface, the two species present, humans and animals, and all that crawled, and birds in the air, they have disappointed me who had created them. However, (the Prophet) Noah get the love in the eyes of God. (Genesis 6: 5-8).
However, according to investigations by experts, the flood that occurred when it did not hit the entire world, but only occurs in the region of Mesopotamia (now including the regions of Iraq), particularly in the lowlands between the rivers Euphrates and Tigris rivers. However, because the valley was so extensive that when there is a super heavy rain for days, the second meluaplah drowned river valleys and the water between two river. So much so that waters the valley that changed as the sea and drown the whole ummah of the Prophet Noah who disbelieve in the valley.
In the years 1922 to 1934 Leonard Woolley of The British Museum and the University of Pennsylvania leads an archaeological excavation in the desert between Baghdad to the Persian Gulf. The venue was once estimated to stand a town called Ur, they were doing the digging.
From the ground surface to five feet down there is a layer of soil that contains a variety of objects made of bronze and silver. This heritage objects Sumerians who lived around 3000 years before Christ. Those nations that have been able to create objects from metal.
Under the first layer, they found a second layer containing the deposit of sand and clay as thick as 2.5 meters. In layers, there are still remnants of small marine animals.
Surprisingly, under layers of sand and clay, there is a third layer contains household objects made of pottery. Pottery was made by human hands. Not find any metal objects in that layer. It is estimated that public heritage objects ancient Sumerians who lived in the Stone Age.
It is estimated by experts, the second layer is silt from flooding that occurred in the days of Noah. Flooding that has drowned the ancient Sumerian society most likely they were a people of Noah-and flood-borne mud was piled perabadan rest of the community. Centuries, or tens of centuries later after the flood passed, then comes back a new community on top of that second layer, ie, Sumerian society 'new' a civilization much more advanced than the Stone Age people who had silted up.
Archaeological investigations in several places to get information, the flood hit areas are very broad, ie, stretching 600 km from north to south and 160 km from west to east. Flood had been sunk at least four ancient Sumerian city communities, namely, Ur, Erech, and Kish Shuruppak.
Evidently, the flood was not sweeping across the world, but only struck an inhabited ummah of the Prophet Noah. Another area that is not the ummah of the Prophet Noah did not flood stricken. The result of these investigations archaeologists with the word of God in the Qur'an that He only destroy the society of a country which has sent a messenger to them, then they deny it. No other country. "And it is not your Lord destroy the towns until He sends in the capital, was a messenger who recite Our Signs to them, and never (too) We destroyed the towns, except for residents in a state of doing kezhaliman. (Surat Al-Qashash ayat59)
Narrated in the Quran, God commands Noah to bring animals of each pair (male and female) into the ark: Until when Our command came and the kitchen was emitting water, We said: "Muatkanlah into the ark of their respective a pair of animals (male and female), and your family except those who had previous assessments against him and (uploaded too) those who believe. " And it is not believed with him that unless a little. (Surah Hud verse 40).
Questions that may arise, whether all the animals on earth was loaded into the boat of Noah? Experts interpret the Book of Christian circles, all the animals that exist on earth, each pair, loaded into the boat of Noah. Because, as said earlier, in the book they said the flood occurred globally. So that must be saved must all living species on earth.
Such a clear interpretation of their own confusion. First, very few followers of Prophet Noah, because most of them failing. With the level of science and technology at very low and very little of their personnel, how they collect thousands or hundreds of thousands of species of living creatures exist on earth?
Means there must be followers of the Prophet Noah has been sent to various parts of the world, and bring home the thousands of species that they encountered with a very large ship. There are followers of Prophet Noah, who with a large ship was sent north and south poles to bring a pair of polar bears, a pair of pelicans, a pair of seals and various other polar animals, and all it brought back their country.
There must also be an expedition ship that was sent to the American continent to bring a pair of bison, a pair of tigers, two bears, a pair of anaconda snakes, a pair of leeches, a pair of piranha fish, a pair of oxen, a pair of cheetahs, sepasan goat, a pair of vultures, a pair of wolves, a pair of dog ticks, and a pair of thousands of other animal species from the continent.
How many years they need to be able to collect all the animals? How much pet food should they prepare? How they can distinguish the male fleas and ticks female? There are how many thousands of cages in which they must prepare an ark for the animals that prey on one another?
After so many ship it back home, thousands or hundreds of thousands of species of animals from all over the world were put into a Noah's ark. How hundreds of thousands of species from all over the world can survive apart from its natural habitat until the flood subsided? Are temporary food chain cycle stopped spinning? No way!
Various questions will be answered with a logical interpretation by those who support a global flood in the days of Noah.
The Qur'an does not mention the time of Prophet Noah's flood swept through the world. As explained in various verses of the Quran, God adzab imposed only to the people who zhalim prophets who deny the teachings, not to the other. So adzabnya any merely local or regional.
Thus animals that are transported Noah did not come from all over the world, but there are only animals in the region, especially animals commonly kept and bred man, like cows, goats, horses, birds, camels and the like. The animals that Noah and his followers needed to prop up their new life after the great flood
After worship Hajj or Umrah, if you still have a chance and more money-you should stop in Jordan, a country north of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. There was an area called the Valley of the Rum or Petra valley that holds nan fascinating archaeological heritage.
In the valley you can find beautiful buildings and big as the Roman imperial court. The beauty and solidity of the building can indeed make you chuckle in admiration. But more impressive and will make you shake my head, it turns out that the building was made by carving rock hills. Modern man now even this may not necessarily make buildings like they have created. Who are they who make buildings that amazing?
The manufacturer is Thamood, ummah of the Prophet Salih, as recounted in the Qur'an: And unto Thamud (We sent) their brother Salih. He said, 'My nation, worship Allah, there is no Ilah for you besides Him ... You set up the palaces on its lands are flat and you're carving the mountains to be home, then remember the favors of God and you do not rampant in the earth to make mischief. "(Surah Al-A'raaf verses 73-74) .
In other verses they called Ashabul-Hijri (inhabitants of the city of Al-Hijr): And lo population (city of) Al-Hijr denied the Messengers, and We have brought to them (the signs) of power We are, but they turn away from him. And they carve the houses of stone mountain (which are inhabited) in safety. (Surah Al-Hijr verse 80-82).
Thamood are a people who deny the teachings of the Prophet Salih, they even slaughtered a female camel that is the miracle of the Prophet Salih, then challenged them adzab arrival.
God answered the challenge with the earthquake disaster inflicted upon them. "Since the earthquake seized them, then they become corpses lying in their homes." (Surah Al-A'raaf paragraph 78).
In another verse says, God also sends a powerful lightning disaster: And as for Thamood they have guided us, but they preferred blindness (error) of the instructions, then they are struck by lightning adzab of humiliation because of what they have done. (Letter Fushilat paragraph 17)
So that God inflicted terrible disasters so that no one is left Thamood. They became extinct: And Thamood, then no one is left behind him (alive). (Surat An-Najm verse 51). Thus, the word of God in the Quran, as if there never Thamood on this earth: As if they had never lived in that place. Lo Thamood deny their Lord. Remember, kebinasaanlah for Thamood. (Letter Huud paragraph 68)
Amazingly, despite the lightning that God sent that destroy entire buildings Thamood but their work still left intact by him. That is nothing more to become evident for us, a people who lived later, about the existence of a nation builder who has God destroyed because of their disbelief. "And (also) the 'AAD and Thamud, and indeed have been obvious to you (their destruction) of (the debris) where they live ..." (Surat Al-Ankabut paragraph 38)
If we examine the contents of the Qur'an was not only Thamood extinct from this earth. There are a number of other people who also have destroyed God, as He explained in Surat At-Taubah verse 70: "Belumkah come to their important news about people who were before them, (is) the people of Noah, Aad, Thamud, the descendants of Abraham, inhabitants of Midian, and the (population) countries that have been destroyed? Came to them apostles with clear signs, then God is not at all-time persecuting them, but they wronged themselves. "
Even besides that there are many more people or a nation that God has destroyed, although not mentioned by name in eskplisit in the Qur'an. "And (We destroyed) 'Ad and Thamud and residents Rass and many (more) generations of people-people are." (
One of the most powerful adzab God as narrated in the Qur'an is about the extermination of the Prophet Lut. They diadzab God for committing homosexual practices. According to the Old Testament, the Prophet Lot was living in a city called Sodom. So therefore the current practice of homosexuality is often referred to as sodomy.
Archaeological research to get information, originally the town was on the banks of the Dead Sea (Lake Lut), which extends lengthwise between the Israeli-Jordanian border. With a volcanic earthquake which followed the eruption of lava, the city of God tear down, then somersault into the Dead Sea.
Like most people turn a somersault or rolled, often the head of the falls first, then followed by the body and legs. So did the city of Sodom, when collapsed and fell, part of the city that first plunge into the sea, as God profiled in the Quran: And when he came adzab Us, We made the country's Lot (upside-down so that) the above down, and We rained them with stones of baked clay with a barrage. (Letter Huud paragraph 82).
Contemporary accounts describe the results of scientific research, disaster can occur because Siddim Valley area, where there is the city of Sodom and Gomorrah, is a popular meeting point of fracture or two slabs of the earth's crust that move in opposite directions. It started from the edge of the fracture surface of Mount Taurus, extends to the southern shore of the Dead Sea and continues through the Arabian Desert to the Gulf of Aqaba and continues across the Red Sea, until its end in Africa.
Usually, when two plates of the earth's crust is shifting in the area of fracture will cause a massive earthquake followed by tsunamis (large sea waves) that swept the coastal areas. Also commonly followed by the eruption of lava / lava heat from the earth.
That kind of thing also happens in the city of Sodom, as revealed by German researchers, Werner Keller, "Together with the base of the cracks are very wide, which is exactly melewatai this area, the Valley Siddim, including Sodom and Gomorrah, in one day fall into the depths ( Dead Sea). Their destruction occurs through a massive earthquake events may be accompanied by lightning explosion, release of natural gas and the lake of fire. The shift of volcanic fault generating power (such as earthquakes) that have long slept along the rift. "
With scientific information can be reconstructed back to how it happened adzab God ummah of the Prophet Lut who disbelieve in Him. The disaster was preceded by an earthquake that caused the land to be split. It appears from the fracture of hot lava burst showering the city of Sodom. Under the Dead Sea coast there are also large numbers of sacs fill flammable methane gas.
Most likely, the eruptions of lava and bursts of methane gas that was what God intended in the Quran with a rain of stones of baked clay. The disaster ended with a joint population of Sodom falls into the Dead Sea.
A series of scientific experiments at Cambridge University confirmed this theory. Scientists develop artificial place of the indwelling of the Lot in the laboratory, and then shaking it with an artificial earthquake. As expected, this plateau sets and miniature homes slipped in and buried in it.
Archaeological discoveries and scientific experiment reveals one important fact, that the Lut Quran mentioned it once lived in the past, then God punished them extinct due to their moral depravity. All evidence of the disaster that has now completely exposed and in accordance with the exposure of the Qur'an