Sabtu, 17 Juli 2010



"The universe is not something created. If he created, he has definitely created by God immediately and out of nothing, "he wrote materialist philosopher George Politzer, in his book Principes Fondamentaux de Philosophie."

Just because a fanatic in his belief that "God does not exist" as Politzer scientists insist on maintaining the opinion, that the universe is not something created. But there are so alone, by itself.

Adherents of this belief materalisme model "infinite universe" as the basis for an atheist to understand their footing. They say the universe is something that is quiet, spacious infinity, not growing, and eternal, from the past until later.

Here's an idea that developed in the 19th century. Besides laying the foundation footing for understanding the materialist, this view is automatically reject the existence of the Creator (Al-Khaliq) and states that the universe had no beginning and no end.

Materialism is a system of thought that believes the material as the only absolute existence and denying the existence of anything other than the material. Rooted in ancient Greek culture, and received widespread acceptance in the 19th century. Systems thinking has become famous in the form of dialectic materialism of Karl Marx understood.

When Politzer believes that the universe was not created out of nothing, he rests on a static universe model of the 19th century, and thinks she is being put forward a scientific statement. Funny thing is, the discoveries of science and technology developed in the 20th century eventually undermine the old idea that this is called materialism.

Astronomy Says: Universe Created

In 1929, Mount Wilson observatory in California, the American astronomer, Edwin Hubble made one of the greatest discoveries in the history of astronomy.

When observing the stars with a giant telescope, he found that they emit a red light in accordance with the distance. This means that stars are "moving away from" us. Because, according to the laws of physics are known, the spectrum of light source that is moving toward the observer tends to purple, whereas observers tend to stay away from red.

Before long, Hubble made another important discovery. Stars and galaxies moved away not only from us, but also from one another. The only thing that can be inferred from a universe where everything is moving away from one another is that it constantly "expands".

To be more easily understood, the universe can be likened to the surface of the balloon being expanded. As the dots on the surface of the balloon is moving away from one another when the balloon increases, objects in space are also moving away from one another when the universe continues to expand.

Actually, this fact has been discovered theoretically earlier. Albert Einstein, who is recognized as the greatest scientist of the 20th century, based on calculations he made in theoretical physics, has concluded that the universe could not be static. But, he laid his discovery, only in order not to conflict with the static universe model of the widely recognized that time. In later years, Einstein realized act as 'the biggest mistake of his career'.

What is the meaning of the expansion of the universe? Deployment of the universe means that if the universe can move backward into the past, then he will prove to be derived from a single point. Calculations show that the 'single point' was that contains all the material universe should have 'zero volume' and 'infinite density'. The universe was formed through a single point of zero volume explosion this.

Giant explosion that marks the beginning of the universe is called 'Big Bang', and his theory is known by this name exists. It should be noted that 'zero volume' is a theoretical expression is used to facilitate understanding. Science can define the concept of 'nothingness', which are beyond the limits of human comprehension, only by declaring it as a 'point of zero volume'.

Actually, 'a point of no-volume' means 'nothingness'. Thus the universe came into existence from nothing. In other words, he has created. The fact that nature is created, which was discovered by modern physics in the 20th century, has been declared in the Qur'an 14 centuries ago: "He is the Creator of heaven and earth." (Al-An'aam: 101)

Big Bang theory shows, all the objects in the universe is a manifestation in the first place, and then separated. This means that the whole matter is created through the Big Bang or a giant explosion from a single point, and formed the present universe by way of separation from one another.

Big Bang, Disgusting Facts For The Materialist

Big Bang is an obvious indication that the universe was 'created from nothing', in other words it was created by God. For this reason, astronomers are convinced materialist understanding always reject the Big Bang and defend the idea of an infinite universe.

This rejection reason is revealed in the words of Arthur Eddington, one of the renowned materialist physicist, who said: "Philosophically, the idea of beginning a sudden from the existing order of Nature is really disgusting to me."

The other a materialist, a leading British astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle, including the most disturbed by the Big Bang theory. In the mid-20th century, Hoyle put forward a theory called the Steady-state similar to the theory 'of the universe remains' in the 19th century.

Steady-state theory states the universe is infinite and eternal size over the period. With the aim of maintaining understand materialists, this theory is completely opposite of the Big Bang theory, which says that the universe had a beginning. Those who maintain the steady-state theory has long been opposed to the Big Bang theory. However, science is in fact undermining their views.

In 1948, Gerge Gamov come up with other ideas about the Big Bang. He said that after the formation of the universe through a giant explosion, residual radiation left behind by these explosions must exist in nature. In addition, this radiation must be spread evenly in all parts of the universe.
Evidence that 'should have' was eventually found. In 1965, two researchers named Arno Penziaz and Robert Wilson discovered these waves by mistake. This radiation, called cosmic background radiation ', did not appear to radiate from one particular source, but covers the entire space. Thus, it is known that this radiation is the relic radiation left from the early stages of the Big Bang. Penzias and Wilson was awarded the Nobel prize for their discovery.

In 1989, NASA sent the Cosmic Background Explorer satellite [COBE] into space to do research on cosmic background radiation. It only takes 8 minutes for COBE to prove the calculations Penziaz and Wilson. COBE had found the remains of a giant explosion that has occurred in the early formation of the universe. Expressed as the greatest astronomical discoveries of all time, this discovery is clearly proving the Big Bang theory.

Other important evidence for the Big Bang was the amount of hydrogen and helium in space. In various studies, it is known that the concentration of hydrogen-helium in the universe correspond to theoretical calculations of hydrogen-helium concentration remaining relics of the Big Bang. If the universe had no beginning, and if he had been there since the old times, the element hydrogen is supposed to have run out completely and turned into helium.

All of this evidence caused the Big Bang theory accepted by the scientific community. Big Bang model is the last point reached by science concerning the origin of the universe. Anyway, this universe has been created by Allah the Almighty to perfection without a flaw:
"Who created the seven heavens in layers. Ye did not see the creatures of God, Most Gracious, something that is not balanced. So lihtatlah repeatedly, is there anything you see something that is not balanced. "(Al-Mulk: 3)

Perfection Form explosion

All evidence to convince the above has caused the Big Bang theory accepted by the scientific community. Big Bang model is the last point reached by science concerning the origin of the universe. Anyway, this universe has been created by Allah the Almighty to perfection without a flaw from nothing.

Dennis Sciama, who for many years with Sir Fred Hoyle maintain Steady-state theory, which is contrary to the fact of creation of the universe, explaining the final position they have achieved after all the evidence for the Big Bang theory was revealed. Sciama stated that he maintain Steady-state theory, not because he menanggapnya true, but because he hopes that this is true.

Sciama goes on to say, when evidence began to grow, he must admit that the game was over and Steady-state theory must be rejected. Prof. George Abel from the University of California also received the final victory of the Big Bang and stated that there is now evidence to show that the universe began billions of years ago through the Big Bang. He admitted that he had no choice but to accept the Big Bang theory.

By winning the Big Bang, the myth of 'eternal matter' that became the basis of materialist understanding terhempaskan foothold into the trash heap of history. Then existence whether before the Big Bang, and what powers of the universe that led to 'no' with a giant explosion was natural when the 'no'?

Arthur Eddington to borrow a phrase, this question clearly leads to the fact that 'philosophically repugnant' to the materialists, namely the existence of the Creator, aka The Creator, aka Al-Khaliq.

Famous atheist philosopher Antony Flew says about it: "Unfortunately, the recognition is good for the soul. Therefore, I will begin with the recognition that the Atheist Stratonisian forced humiliated by consensus cosmology today. Because, it seems that the cosmologists center provides scientific evidence that the universe had a beginning. "

Many scientists who do not blindly place themselves as atheists have admitted roles in the creation of Mighty Creator of the universe. This Creator must be the One who had created matter and time, but is not bound by them.

Renowned astrophysicist Hugh Ross says: "If the beginning of time coincided with the beginning of the universe, as space theorem statement, it causes the formation of the universe must have something to work on time dimension completely independent of and more was there from the time dimension of the universe. This conclusion tells us that God is not the universe itself, nor is God in the universe. "

That is, matter and time created by the Creator is not bound by them. This Creator is God, He is Lord of heaven and earth.

Actually, Big Bang has created a bigger problem for the materialist than the recognition of an atheist philosopher, Antony Flew. Because, Big Bang not only prove that the universe was created out of nothing, but he also created a very well planned, systematic and regular.

Big Bang explosion occurred through a point which contains all matter and energy of the universe and its spread to every corner of space with a very high speed. Of matter and energy Therefore, they an incredible balance that surrounds many galaxies, stars, sun, moon and other celestial bodies. Natural law was formed, later known as the 'law of physics', which is uniform throughout the universe, and has not changed.

The laws of physics that comes along with the Big Bang has not changed at all for more than 15 billion years. In addition, this law is based on a thorough calculation of one millimeter, so the deviation from the existing rate will result in the destruction of entire buildings and fabric of the universe. All of this suggests that a perfect order came after the Big Bang.
However, what is called the explosion could not bring perfect order. All the explosions tend to be dangerous, destroy, and destroy what exists. Starting from volcanic explosions to blast stove in the kitchen, all of a destructive nature.

Therefore, if we are told about the appearance of perfect order after an explosion, we can conclude that the intervention of 'smart' behind this explosion, and all the pieces are scattered by the blast has been driven very much in control.

Sir Fred Hoyle, who finally had to accept the Big Bang theory after years of opposition, expressed this clearly: "Big Bang Theory states that the universe originated from a single explosion. But, as is known, the blast only destroys the material into pieces, while the big bang has mysteriously produced the opposite effect-that is material and joined together to form galaxies. "

No doubt, if an order comes through an explosion perfect, it must be recognized that there are interventions that play a role in the Creator every moment of this explosion.

Another thing of remarkable order that is formed in nature following the Big Bang is the creation 'of the universe that can be inhabited'. Conditions for the formation of a habitable planet really very many and complex, making it impossible to assume that this formation is coincidental.

After making calculations about the speed of deployment of the universe, Paul Davis, a professor of theoretical physics major, believes that it has a precision velocity was unthinkable.

Davis said: "The calculation of jelly placed very close to the speed of this development on critical numbers by which the universe will escape from the gravity and expands forever. Slightly slower and nature will collapse, a little faster and a whole material universe was scattered long ago. Clearly, the Big Bang is not just ancient explosion, but explosions are planned with great care. "

Famous physicist, Professor Stephen Hawking said in his book A Brief History of Time, that the universe is built based on calculations and balances more accurate than we can imagine.

By referring to the speed of deployment of the universe, Hawking said: "If the speed of this development in one second after the Big Bang is reduced if only for the number one per-hundred thousand million million, the universe would have collapsed before ever reaching the current size."

Paul Davis also explains the inevitable consequence of the balance and incredibly accurate calculation of this: "It is difficult to avoid the impression that the order of the universe now, which looks so sensitive to the slightest change in numbers, have been planned very carefully. Simultaneous emergence of the numbers that appear magically, which used the constants of nature as a principle, must be the most convincing evidence for the existence of the universe design. "

With regard to the fact that these same American astronomy professor George Greenstein wrote in his book The Symbiotic Universe: "When we examine all the evidence, the thought that always emerges is that supernatural forces must be involved."

In short, while researching the fascinating exceptional systems in the universe, will we understand that the existence and how it works rely on a very sensitive balance and order which is too complex to be explained by coincidence.

As is understandable, it is impossible to balance and order this incredible formed by itself and by chance through a huge explosion. Following the formation order of this kind of explosion like the Big Bang is one tangible proof of the existence of supernatural creation.

Design and order without tara in this universe would prove the existence of the Creator, and Science, Glory and His Wisdom is infinite, "Who created matter from nothingness and the ruling set without interruption. This Creator is Allah, the Lord throughout all of nature.

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