Sabtu, 17 Juli 2010


In the Qur'an stated that the people who are not believers are those who do not recognize or did not pay attention to verse or signs of greatness and power of God in the universe of His creation.

Conversely, feature prominently on the believers is the ability to understand the signs and evidences the power of the Creator. He knew that all was created not in vain, and he was able to understand the power and perfection of God's creation in all directions anywhere. This understanding eventually menghantarkannya on surrender, submission and fear of Him. He is among the intelligent, ie "... those who remember Allah, standing, sitting or lying down and they think about the creation of the heavens and the earth, (saying): 'Our Lord, there is no Thou created this in vain . Glory to Thee, so save us from the torment of hell. "(Surat AALI 'Imraan, 3:190-191)

In many verses in the Qur'an, a statement like, "Will ye not receive admonition?", "There are signs (verses) for people who have sense," giving affirmation of the importance of thinking deeply about God's signs . God has created a variety of countless creatures to ponder. Everything that we see and feel in the sky, the earth and everything in between is a manifestation of the perfection of creation by God, and therefore be inappropriate material for reflection. The following paragraph gives an example of God's favor this:

"He grow for you with the rain water the plants and olives and dates, grapes and all kinds of fruits. Verily in this is really no sign (of God) for people who reflect." (Surat An-Nahl, 16:11)

Let us think for a moment about just one of several creations of God mentioned in the paragraph above, ie dates. As known, the date palm tree growing from a seed in the ground. Beginning from this tiny seed, measuring less than one cubic centimeter, there is a large tree a length of 4-5 meters with a weight of hundreds of kilograms. The only source of raw materials that can be used by these seeds when grown and developed to form a large tree shape is the land where the seeds are located.

How does a seed know how to form a tree? How he can think to describe and make use of these substances in the soil necessary for the formation of wood? How was he able to estimate the shape and structure are necessary in shaping the tree? This last question is very important, because trees that eventually emerge from these seeds is not just logs. He is a living organism that has complex roots to absorb substances from the soil. This root has the vessels that carry these substances and which has branches perfectly orderly. A human would have trouble just to draw a tree. Conversely a seed that seems so simple was able to create a form that is extremely complex simply by using existing substances in the soil.

This assessment concludes that a seed was extremely intelligent and smart, a genius even more than we do. Or to be more precise, there are remarkable intelligence in what is done by seeds. However, whether the source of that intelligence? Could it be a seed has the intelligence and extraordinary memory?

No doubt, this question has one answer: these seeds have been created by the One who has the ability to make a tree. In other words, these seeds have been programmed since the beginning of its existence. All the seeds in the earth in the knowledge of God and grow as His knowledge infinite. In a paragraph mentioned:
And in Him are the keys of the unseen, no one knows except Himself, and He knows what is on land and at sea, and not a daunpun the fall but He knows (too), and do not fall in a bijipun in the dark earth, and not something wet or dry, melainkah written in the book are real (Lauh Mahfudz). (Surat al-An'aam, 6:59).

He is a God who created the seeds and grow them as new plants. In another verse Allah states:

Surely God to grow grain plants and seeds of fruits. He produces the living from the dead and remove the dead from the living. (Who owns the properties) so is God, then why are you still turn away? (Surat al-An'aam, 6:95)
Seeds just one of many signs of God He created the universe. When humans began to think not only to use reasonable, but also with heart them, and then ask themselves the question "why" and "how", then they will be to understand that the entire universe is proof of the existence and power of Allah SWT .

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