Sabtu, 17 Juli 2010



Have they not noticed how he created the camel, And the sky how it is raised? And the mountains how it is enforced?
(Surat al-Ghashiyah, 88: 17-20)

Everything in the universe and its features that existed at the creation of this show of Science and Sovereignty of God, the Creator, the Supreme Court. God is often stated this in the Qur'an, which confirmed that everything He created is essentially a paragraph, ie the signs of his power. This verse also has the meaning of a warning or a lesson for mankind.

In the 17th verse of surah Al-Ghaasyiyah, God calls an animal that we should carefully think about and ponder, namely a camel. Allah says: "And if they do not notice how he invented the camel?"

One characteristic of a camel is a very strong body structure and are resistant to environmental conditions even the most ferocious. Camel can survive for days without eating and drinking. These mammals are able to travel far to load hundreds of pounds on his back for days.

Hold the hungry and thirsty.

Camel able to survive without food and water for eight days at a temperature of 50 ° C. In this period, he will lose 22% of the total body weight. Humans can die if he lost the water in her body as much as 12% of his weight, but a camel will be able to stay alive despite lean body fluids of 40% of his body weight has been lost. One of the reasons why the camel is able to hold his thirst for days is a mechanism that enables it to raise the body until the internal temperature of 41 ° C. In this way, these animals can suppress reduction in the amount of water until the minimum temperature during the hottest days in the desert. Camel is also capable of lowering the internal body temperature to 30 ° C in the desert with cool temperatures at night.

Efficient water users:

Within about 10 minutes, until the camel can drink 130 liters of water, an amount roughly equivalent to one third of his body weight. In addition, the camel has the structure of mucus in the nose with a size 100 times larger than it is in humans. This allows the camel to get 66% of water vapor contained in air.

Nothing mubadzir:

Most animals will die of poisoning when the urea accumulated in their kidneys diffuses into the bloodstream. But the camel is able to maximize the use of water and nutrients by way of repeated urea flow to the liver. Blood and cell structure of a camel is very unique and distinctive so that these animals survive the long periods without water in the desert.

Cell wall on a camel has a special structure that is able to prevent excessive water loss. Moreover, the existence of a particular composition in the blood of camels to prevent the occurrence of reduction in the rate of blood circulation when the water content in the body of a camel decrease until the minimum threshold. There is also an enzyme that helps albumin camel endurance against thirst. This enzyme is present in amounts far more than in other living creatures.

The existence of hump (= dorsal protruding vertically upward) is a distinct advantage for a camel. One fifth of the camel's body weight is fat stored in the hump. Because the body can convert fat into other useful compounds including water, the storage of fat in only one place to prevent expenditure of the entire body of water a camel. This allows the camel to use as little water.

Despite camel berponok able to spend 30-50 kg of food in one day, in a difficult situation this animal is able to live for a month with 2 kg of food consumed only grass per day. Camel has a very strong lip and similar rubber which makes it able to eat thorns sharp enough to rip though a thick skin. In addition, camels have a stomach with four chambers, as well as a very strong digestive system that is able to digest what is eaten camel. These characteristics are suitable for animals living in very dry climate.

Protection against tornadoes and hurricanes:

Eye camels have eyelashes that is composed of two layers. This eyelash layer to form a trap that will protect the eyes of a camel from a fierce sandstorm. In addition, the camel can cover the nose so as to prevent entry of sand into the nose.

Protection against heat and cold:

Thick hair covering the body of a camel camel able to protect the skin from the hot sun burn. Conversely, in very cold weather it is able to keep the body hair to keep warm camel. Desert camel less affected by the temperature reaches 50 ° C. Conversely, the Bactrian camel double berponok able to survive at a temperature of -50 ° C. This type of camel can live at an altitude of 4000 meters above sea level.

Heat-resistant footprints:

Camel foot has a size larger than size and long legs. This foot is designed specifically and intentionally created with a large size to help walk in the desert without sink easily. This foot has widened and bulging forms. In addition, thick skin on the soles is a form of protection against burning hot desert sand.

Little bit about the camel in the above description has been rightly encourages us to reflect for a moment: does a camel adapt to its own body to the desert climate? Are these animals make their own layer of mucus on her nose, or towering hump on his back? Are camel design its own form of nose and eye structure in order to be able to protect themselves from tornadoes and storms of the desert? Really this mammal own design and structure of blood cells based on the principles of water use efficiency? Camel sendirikah who select the type of hair to cover her entire body?

As with other living beings, to be sure that the camel was not able to do any of the above segalah or deliberately made himself useful to mankind. Understandable if the verses of Qur'an: "And if they do not notice how he created a camel?" asked us to consider the creation of this amazing animal. Like other living creatures, the camel had been equipped with various features of God's unique and special, and were placed on this earth as a paragraph, the signs of the greatness of the Creator.

For camel, he has been created with exceptional physical appearance for the benefit of man. As for the man himself, in addition to benefiting from a camel, they were instructed by God to take notice and think about all the wonders of creation which exist in the universe, including a camel. So that people will be amazed, submissive and obedient to the Al-Khaaliq, the Creator of all things, He is God.

Seest thou not that Allah has subjected to (interest) what you are in heaven and on earth and perfecting his ni'mat for you spiritually and materially. And among mankind is he who argue about the (Oneness) of Allah without knowledge or guidance and without the enlightening Book. (Surat Luqmaan, 31: 20).

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