Diverse fauna that we see in this world are just a few of the diverse wonders of creation that exist in the vast expanse of natural nan. Allah the Almighty Creator of all living complement the earth with their special properties that are amazing. Each of them is evidence of the Court of Allah Almighty. It is very important for everyone to be able to witness the creation of amazing in every corner of this universe, and their wisdom in it. God wants us to think about creation and take lessons from him. In a verse of the Qur'an, Allah SWT. Said:
"Say! Walk in the (face) of the earth and see how God created the (human) from the beginning, then God made it once again. For Allah hath power over all things." (Surat al-Ankabuut [29]: 20)
There is a remarkable species that live in southern Canada. He was the king butterfly. Each butterfly king, like the others, were present in this world by a series of shape changes completely.
First, the parent placed the eggs on top of a leaf. Larvae that hatch from these eggs and then eat the foliage for several moments before eventually turn into caterpillars. Each of these worms and then make a nest, called a cocoon for themselves. Cocoon of the butterfly king is a miracle of design. He clung to the branches of trees in a way dependent on a very thin but strong thread. Caterpillars grow in this cocoon and slowly emerged as a new creature that was beautiful and captivating, which is a butterfly. Initially, the young wing looked rumpled, wrinkled and weak. But the wings are then expanded and widened after the blood is pumped into it. Now the butterfly king was ready to fly.
There are interesting behaviors that distinguish the butterfly king with the other types. In a period of one year, four generations of the butterfly king is born different. The first three generations have lifetimes of about five to six weeks. However, that was born after, the fourth generation, are very different. This generation will continue to live until they have completed the migration of the past eight months.
Migration starts from the centers of butterfly populations in Canada's king of the south more toward the south again. A group of butterfly king went to California, and another group further to the south again, that is up to Mexico. Interestingly, all the butterfly king met each other along the way, as if they had received similar orders from a single source, and then together to continue the journey towards their destination. Beginning of the migration of butterflies have also been planned based on the king the same time reference. They did not start the journey on any day, but on one particular day in autumn, ie autumunal equinox, when day and night have the same length of time.
After flying for two months, they finally arrived in the forests of the warm south. Millions of king butterflies cover the trees, and for four months, from December until March, they lived in this place without eating anything. They were able to survive on stored fat in the body and only drink water.
Flowers blossom in spring is very meaningful to the butterfly king. After waiting for four months, they feasted feed on nectar, which is a sweet liquid produced by flowers. Now they have saved energy they would need when returning to the northern part of America. In late March, before starting the journey, they perform marriages. On that day, the spring equinox, when day and night have the same length of time, colonies of king butterflies begin their journey to the north. After a long journey, they finally arrived in Canada, and soon they die. But, before dying, they gave birth to the first generation of the year, which will live for about one and a half months. Subsequently, second and third generation was born which was then replaced by the fourth generation also will start the migration. This generation will live six months longer than other generations, and thus, the cycle life of this monarch butterflies continues.
This amazing odyssey led to a variety of interesting questions. How each of the fourth generation were born to live six months longer than the first generation to third? How to live a long lifetime of this generation always coincides with winter time? How do they always start their migration in the day when day and night have the same length of time, and how they can make very precise calculations of this? How do butterflies generation of new-born king, who had never migrated, identify their route?
All of this suggests that the butterfly king has been created complete with a perfect planning their migration, and that they comply with this plan without making any mistakes. If there is an error in this plan, they will not be able to complete the migration. And if this happens, then all the butterfly king will die in the winter, and eventually the king of butterfly species will become extinct. It is clear that these creatures have been created with special properties, and extraordinary annual migration has inspired in them.
Is God, Lord of heaven and earth, the Creator and Ruler of all things, Who created these amazing creatures and give inspiration to him. Tiny animals that we study his life journey has brought us to the testimony of a very important fact: God's greatness and majesty of His creation is evident in every corner of this nature, and God's knowledge encompasses all things. God states this in the Quranic verse:
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