Sabtu, 17 Juli 2010


The first nation that destroyed or massively by God is the Prophet Noah. Allah destroy them by bringing the great flood that drowned them. "But they rejected him, so We saved him and those who were with him in the ark, and We drowned those who belied Our verses. Indeed they are a people who are blind (his eyes). "(Surah Al-A'raaf paragraph 64).

According to the Old Testament, the sacred book of the Jews and the Christians who are not genuine, the time of the Prophet Noah's flood that swept the world: And God saw that the wickedness of man on earth is big, and that every imagination of the thoughts in his heart only evil deeds. And this makes God regretted that He had created man on earth, and his heart was sad. And God said, "I'll membinasakah humans who have I put myself in the earth's surface, the two species present, humans and animals, and all that crawled, and birds in the air, they have disappointed me who had created them. However, (the Prophet) Noah get the love in the eyes of God. (Genesis 6: 5-8).

However, according to investigations by experts, the flood that occurred when it did not hit the entire world, but only occurs in the region of Mesopotamia (now including the regions of Iraq), particularly in the lowlands between the rivers Euphrates and Tigris rivers. However, because the valley was so extensive that when there is a super heavy rain for days, the second meluaplah drowned river valleys and the water between two river. So much so that waters the valley that changed as the sea and drown the whole ummah of the Prophet Noah who disbelieve in the valley.

In the years 1922 to 1934 Leonard Woolley of The British Museum and the University of Pennsylvania leads an archaeological excavation in the desert between Baghdad to the Persian Gulf. The venue was once estimated to stand a town called Ur, they were doing the digging.

From the ground surface to five feet down there is a layer of soil that contains a variety of objects made of bronze and silver. This heritage objects Sumerians who lived around 3000 years before Christ. Those nations that have been able to create objects from metal.

Under the first layer, they found a second layer containing the deposit of sand and clay as thick as 2.5 meters. In layers, there are still remnants of small marine animals.

Surprisingly, under layers of sand and clay, there is a third layer contains household objects made of pottery. Pottery was made by human hands. Not find any metal objects in that layer. It is estimated that public heritage objects ancient Sumerians who lived in the Stone Age.

It is estimated by experts, the second layer is silt from flooding that occurred in the days of Noah. Flooding that has drowned the ancient Sumerian society most likely they were a people of Noah-and flood-borne mud was piled perabadan rest of the community. Centuries, or tens of centuries later after the flood passed, then comes back a new community on top of that second layer, ie, Sumerian society 'new' a civilization much more advanced than the Stone Age people who had silted up.

Archaeological investigations in several places to get information, the flood hit areas are very broad, ie, stretching 600 km from north to south and 160 km from west to east. Flood had been sunk at least four ancient Sumerian city communities, namely, Ur, Erech, and Kish Shuruppak.

Evidently, the flood was not sweeping across the world, but only struck an inhabited ummah of the Prophet Noah. Another area that is not the ummah of the Prophet Noah did not flood stricken. The result of these investigations archaeologists with the word of God in the Qur'an that He only destroy the society of a country which has sent a messenger to them, then they deny it. No other country. "And it is not your Lord destroy the towns until He sends in the capital, was a messenger who recite Our Signs to them, and never (too) We destroyed the towns, except for residents in a state of doing kezhaliman. (Surat Al-Qashash ayat59)

Narrated in the Quran, God commands Noah to bring animals of each pair (male and female) into the ark: Until when Our command came and the kitchen was emitting water, We said: "Muatkanlah into the ark of their respective a pair of animals (male and female), and your family except those who had previous assessments against him and (uploaded too) those who believe. " And it is not believed with him that unless a little. (Surah Hud verse 40).

Questions that may arise, whether all the animals on earth was loaded into the boat of Noah? Experts interpret the Book of Christian circles, all the animals that exist on earth, each pair, loaded into the boat of Noah. Because, as said earlier, in the book they said the flood occurred globally. So that must be saved must all living species on earth.

Such a clear interpretation of their own confusion. First, very few followers of Prophet Noah, because most of them failing. With the level of science and technology at very low and very little of their personnel, how they collect thousands or hundreds of thousands of species of living creatures exist on earth?

Means there must be followers of the Prophet Noah has been sent to various parts of the world, and bring home the thousands of species that they encountered with a very large ship. There are followers of Prophet Noah, who with a large ship was sent north and south poles to bring a pair of polar bears, a pair of pelicans, a pair of seals and various other polar animals, and all it brought back their country.

There must also be an expedition ship that was sent to the American continent to bring a pair of bison, a pair of tigers, two bears, a pair of anaconda snakes, a pair of leeches, a pair of piranha fish, a pair of oxen, a pair of cheetahs, sepasan goat, a pair of vultures, a pair of wolves, a pair of dog ticks, and a pair of thousands of other animal species from the continent.

How many years they need to be able to collect all the animals? How much pet food should they prepare? How they can distinguish the male fleas and ticks female? There are how many thousands of cages in which they must prepare an ark for the animals that prey on one another?

After so many ship it back home, thousands or hundreds of thousands of species of animals from all over the world were put into a Noah's ark. How hundreds of thousands of species from all over the world can survive apart from its natural habitat until the flood subsided? Are temporary food chain cycle stopped spinning? No way!

Various questions will be answered with a logical interpretation by those who support a global flood in the days of Noah.

The Qur'an does not mention the time of Prophet Noah's flood swept through the world. As explained in various verses of the Quran, God adzab imposed only to the people who zhalim prophets who deny the teachings, not to the other. So adzabnya any merely local or regional.

Thus animals that are transported Noah did not come from all over the world, but there are only animals in the region, especially animals commonly kept and bred man, like cows, goats, horses, birds, camels and the like. The animals that Noah and his followers needed to prop up their new life after the great flood

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