Sabtu, 17 Juli 2010


A believer to walk in a park. He was enchanted by the beauty of the park which is the pleasure of Allah. Indeed, for those willing to think, to every living thing there is his greatness.

For example, vines that wrapped his body around a limb or other object, a phenomenon that should be considered carefully. If plant growth is re-recorded and performed quickly, it would seem that the vines are moving as if he is a creature that has consciousness. He seemed to see the branch which is right in front of him, then he handed himself into the direction of these branches and committed themselves to branch like a rope Lasso.

A believer who witnessed all this again realized that God has created all living things, and that He created it as a unique system and without disabilities.

When someone continues to observe the movements of these plants, he found one other interesting feature of this plant. He noticed that the ivy stems firmly attaches itself above the surface where he is with arms stretched out beside him. Thick material produced by plants that do not have such a strong awareness of the glue so that when this plant was attempted to be moved by pulling it from where he was, then the existing paint will be walled up also participate.

Likewise with the trees. Have we thought about how high the water reaches the leaves? It is not possible for water in a tank at the bottom of your building to go up to the upper floors without a tank or engine water pump hidroforik strong. You will not be able to pump water even though only up to the first floor. Therefore, there should be similar to the pumping system hidrofonik machine owned by a tree.

God has created for each tree all the necessary facilities and equipment. Moreover, the pumping systems in each tree is too sophisticated compared to existing residential buildings in humans.

Another thing that can be thought of dealing with leaves. Foliage is not really a simple form that looks like the eye. Leaves, for example, is something that is fragile and easily damaged. However, the leaves are not dried up because of scorching heat of the scorching sun rays. When a human being at 40oC within a short time, skin color changes, he suffered from dehydration. In contrast, the leaves are able to remain green beneath the hot scorching sun without burning for days, even months, although very little amount of water flowing through the arteries-veins-like yarn. This is a miracle of creation shows that God created all things with an unparalleled knowledge.

That is, when the park, we understand all of that is a manifestation of His nature is the Most Beautiful (Al-Jamaal). Behold: the yellow daisy. Butterfly with a beautiful tail bend on the sidelines of interest.

Butterflies, for example, are very beautiful creatures and beautiful to behold. The butterfly, which has a wing with a kind of symmetry and design of such meticulous lace making it look as if painted by hand, with the color of harmony and filled with phosphorus so luminous, is proof of art's incomparable power of God's creation.

Number of species of plants and trees on the earth untold part of the beauty of God's creation. Flowers with diverse colors and forms of trees has been created in such a way that gives comfort to human beings.

Someone who has faith will think of how flowers like roses, violets, daisies, hyacinth, carnations, orchids and other flowers have such a smooth surface, how they emerge from their seeds in a state of totally smooth with no creases , as has been ironed.

One more miracle of God's creation is wonderful savory aroma of these flowers. Roses, for example, has a fragrance that never change are always issued. Even with the most advanced technology, though, the smell of roses can not be created equal.

Research in the laboratories to resemble the smell has not brought a satisfactory result. Perfume produced by mimicking the smell of roses in general have such a strong scent and disturbing people. But the original scent of roses does not cause any disruption to humans.

People who believe realize that everything was created by God so that he praises him. Conscious of this, someone who witnessed the beauty of the garden while walking the streets will glorify God as he says,''Allahu syaa Maa, laa quwwata illaa billaah (really the will of God all this happen, there is no strength except with Allah's help)''( QS. Al-Kahf, 18: 39).

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