Sabtu, 17 Juli 2010


Pagan myths

About five thousand years ago, in the fertile plains of the Middle East, religion, paganism developed in Mesopotamia. Religion has raised a number of myths and takhayyul about the origin of life and the universe. One is the belief in "evolution." According to Sumerian legend, Enuma-Elish, the first life emerged by chance in the water and then evolve from one species into another species.

Years later, the myth of evolution thrives in other pagan civilizations, namely the Ancient Greeks. The Greek philosophers, who describe themselves as "materialists", only to admit the existence of matter and considers the material as a source of life. Therefore, they use the myth of evolution, which inherited the Sumerian, to explain how living things came into existence. Thus, the ancient Greeks to be the connecting bridge to the materialist philosophy and the myth of evolution. Pagan Romans then inherit this thinking.

Two concepts from pagan culture was introduced into the modern world in the eighteenth century. European intellectuals influenced by the ideas of the ancient Greeks believed understand 'materialism' with the same conviction, that they are very anti against the religion of monotheism. Book by leading figures materialist, Baron d'Holbach, The System of Nature perceived as "the main reference atheism."

In this case, the French biologist, Jean Baptist Lamarck, was the first to provide detailed explanations of the theory of evolution. Lamarckian theory, which then indisputable, states that living things evolved from one species into another species through changes gradually over the long term. Charles Darwin was a repeat and spread the Lamarckian view, although a bit different.

Darwin put forward his views in England in 1859, through the publication of his book The Origin of Species. Darwin's book is essentially a detailed description of the myth of evolution, which was initially introduced by the ancient Sumerians. His theory states that all the different species come from a same ancestor, which is formed in water by accident, from which diverse species of living things appeared in the span of time.

Darwin's statement is not based on scientific evidence, so not really believed by the scientists of his day. By paleontologists in particular, realized that the whole theory is most of it is sheer fantasy Darwin. The fossil record indicates that living things did not undergo a process of evolution from simple shapes to form more perfect. Even creatures that lived hundreds of millions of years ago has the same body complete with a still alive today. There was no trace of "transitional forms" which, according to Darwin never existed and that are considered linking one species to another. In the following years, another statement of this theory is irrefutable one by one. Biochemistry revealed that life is too complex to arise by chance, as Darwinian claims. Even known that the formation of the simplest molecules randomly is not possible, let alone a living cell. On the other hand, the anatomy shows that living things have a unique design and were each made separately.

In short, Darwin's theory has no scientific basis. But this theory is rapidly gaining political support due to "scientific justification" given to influential force in the nineteenth century.

About Darwin's Theory of Human Race

In 1871, Darwin published another book, The Descent of Man. In this book he states that humans evolved from ape-like creatures. Darwin could not provide any evidence to support his claim other than making some fantasy scenario.

Darwin also has an interesting thought. He believes that some races more evolved rapidly and, therefore, more advanced than others, while other races are still considered on par with apes.

There is one important thing about Darwin's theory, he builds a whole theory on the concept of "struggle for survival". According to him, the conflict fierce, bloody struggle surrounding the nature of this life. The powerful always win against the weak, and this is a strong push to expand.

Darwin argued that a similar conflict also applies to human races. Even the sub-title of his book "The Origin of Species: by way of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life" (The Origin of Species: Natural Selection or the Preservation Through Ras-Ras Options in the Struggle Defend Life), with clearly reveal the racial views.

According to Darwin, race choice is the 'white European nation', while the Race Asia or Africa fail in the struggle to survive. Darwin went further, even saying that these races will eventually be eliminated altogether:

In the future, not again until many centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace the savage races throughout the world. At the same time, human-like apes ... will no doubt be destroyed.

As clearly revealed in this statement, Darwin was a racist who believed in the benefits of pure white race. He believed white people will first enslave, and then destroy the lower class races.

Darwin's idea was received well. In his day, white people are looking for a theory to justify their barbaric actions.

Thinking runway Colonialism

Since the sixteenth century, Europeans began to colonize the various parts of the world. The first is the Spanish colonizers under the leadership of Christopher Columbus. In a short time, the Spanish colonialists invaded South America. They enslaved the native population, racial communities that previously lived peacefully. South American region, rich in gold and silver, was plundered by looters. Natives who tried to resist were massacred.

Following the Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch and British took part in the fight over the colony. In the nineteenth century, England became the largest colonial empire in the world. From India to Latin America, the British empire to dredge up the sources of natural wealth. White people looting the world for its own sake.

Of course, these colonizers did not want to be remembered throughout history as "looters". Therefore, they tried to get the justification for these actions. They argued with regard colonized peoples as "the primitive or backward," even "animal-like creatures." This view was first put forward in the early days of colonialism, a time when Christopher Columbus sailed to America. With regard Native Americans rather than purely human, but animal species that have been developed, the Spanish colonizers to justify slavery which they did.

When this event occurs, such excuses are not received wide support. Because, at that time the European community is still widely believed that all men are created equal by God and all from the same ancestor, the Prophet Adam.

However, everything changed in the nineteenth century. Growing proliferation understand materialime cause people are starting to ignore the fact that humans were created by God. This also means the birth of understanding racism.

Scientific foundation of racism is the theory of Darwinian evolution. Indian anthropologists, Lalita Vidyarthi stated:

Darwin's theory of "survival of the fittest" was greeted warmly by social scientists that time, and they believe that human beings took a different evolutionary ladder, culminating in a white civilization. Until the second half of the 19th century, racism was accepted as fact by the majority of western scientists.

With this kind of racial views, Darwin provides full support for the colonization by Europeans. Victorian British imperialism took Darwin's theory as a scientific basis and justification.

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