And say: Praise be to Allah, He will show you the signs of His greatness, then you'll know about it. And your Lord is not unmindful of what ye do. (Surat An-Nahl, 27:93)
Today's society treats the Qur'an is totally different from the actual purpose of the reduction in the Qur'an. In general, in the Muslim world very few people know the contents of the Qur'an.
Some of them are often menggantukan the Qur'an is wrapped with a nice cover on the walls of their homes and old people occasionally read. They assume that the Qur'an protects those who read from "misfortune and misery." With this belief they treat the Qur'an as well as the amulet against bad luck.
But the verses of the Qur'an states that the purpose diwahyukannya the Qur'an is totally different from what is mentioned above. For example, in a letter Ibrahim verse 52 God states: "(Al-Quran) is the perfect explanation for humans, and so that they may know that He is the God Almighty and to the people of understanding take heed." In many other verses that affirm that one of God's ultimate purpose and lowered the Qur'an is to invite people to think and reflect.
In the Qur'an God invites people to not blindly follow the beliefs and norms taught by the community. But think about it by first removing all the prejudices, the things taboo and which binds their thoughts.
Man must think how he came into being, what is the purpose of his life, why he will someday die and what happens after death. He should be questioning how he and the entire universe into existence and how both tersu there constantly. When doing this, she must liberate itself from all constraints and prejudices.
With think with reason and conscience are liberated from all social, ideological and psychological; someone will eventually feel that the whole universe including himself have been created by a power of the Most High. Even as he watched his own body or anything in nature he will see the harmony, planning and policy in its design.
The Qur'an provides guidance to mankind in this matter. In the Qur'an Allah tells us what we should think and observe. By way of meditation taught in the Qur'an, a person who has faith in God will feel better perfection, eternal wisdom, knowledge and power of God in His creation. As believers begin to think in a way that taught the Qur'an, he soon realized that the entire universe is a sign of God's power and art, and that "the universe is a result of artistic creation, and not a creator of artistic creation itself . Each work of art showing a typical and unique skills and show the messages from the manufacturer.
In the Qur'an, people are summoned to contemplate numerous events and objects of nature, which clearly show the existence and the Esaan God with His attributes. In the Qur'an to show everything that a witness (of something else) is called as "Signs," which means "evidence that has been tested (the truth), absolute knowledge and a statement of truth." So the verses of God consists of everything in the universe that disclose and communicate the existence and attributes of God. Those who can observe and will always remember this will understand that the entire universe is composed only of the verses of Allah.
Indeed, it is the obligation for man to be able to see the signs of Allah ... So people will know the Creator who created it and everything else, become closer to Him, discover the meaning of existence and life, and became one of the lucky ones (the world and the Hereafter).
This book will never be able to load the entire verses of Allah are countless, not even a book by another. Everything, breathing human, political and social development, cosmic harmony in the universe, the atom which is the smallest matter, all are the revelations of Allah, and all went under the control and knowledge of Him, obey His laws. Find and recognize the signs of Allah requires hard work of individuals. Each person will discover and understand the verses of Allah in accordance with wisdom and conscience of each.
No doubt, some clues may be helpful. First of all, anyone can learn certain subjects are emphasized in the Qur'an in order to acquire the mentality of thinking that will enable them to be able to feel the entire universe as the embodiment of everything God's creation.
This book was written to draw attention to some problems that we are commanded to meditate on the Qur'an. Signs of Allah in the universe is confirmed in the letter of the An-Nahl verses 10-17:
10) He it is Who sent down rain from the sky for you, it you drink and partially fertile plants, which in (where it grew), you graze your herds.
11) He grow for you with the rain water the plants and olives and dates and grapes and all kinds of fruits. Verily in this is really no sign (of God) for people who reflect.
12) And He has subjected the night and day, sun and moon for you. And the stars were subdued (for you) by His command. Verily in this is really any signs (of Allah) for those who understand (it),
13) and He (also bowed) what He created for you on this earth with that stuff berlain differently. Verily in this is there really a sign (the power of God) for those who take heed.
14) And He it is, God has subjected the sea (for you), that ye may eat thereof fresh meat (fish), and you're out of the ocean that you are wearing jewelry, and you see a ship sailing to him, and that ye may seek ( gain) from His bounty, and that ye may be grateful.
15) And He stuck the mountains in the earth so that earth does not shake with you, (and He created) the rivers and roads so that you are guided,
16) and He created) the signs (penujuk road). And with the stars that they receive guidance.
17) And if (God) who created the same can not be created (anything)? Will ye not receive admonition?
In the Qur'an, Allah invites people who have sense to think of things which ordinary people are ignored, or used to say as a result of "evolution", "coincidence", or "natural wonders" mere.
190) In the creation of the heavens and the earth, sky, and the alternation of night and day are Signs for people of understanding, 191) (They are) those who remember Allah, standing, sitting or lying down and they think about creation of the heavens and the earth, (saying): O Our Lord, there is no Thou created this in vain Glory to Thee, so save us from the torment of hell. (Surat AALI 'Imraan, 3:191)
As we saw in the verse, the people of understanding see the signs of Allah and seek to understand the science, power, and his artistic creation with infinite remember and reflect on these things, because God's infinite knowledge, and creation His flawless.
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