Sabtu, 17 Juli 2010


Physical fitness BODY

No special conditions are required for someone to start thinking. Even for someone who had just woken up in the morning there were so many things that can be pushed to think.

Posted a long day in front of someone who just woke up from bed in the morning. A day when tired or sleepy feeling as if he had vanished. He is ready to begin the day. When thinking about this, he remembered a word of God:

"He who makes you a night (as) clothing and sleep for rest, and He made lunch for rising." (Surat al-Furqaan, 25: 47)

After washing the face and took a shower, he felt fully awake and in full consciousness. Now he was ready to think about various issues that do him. Many other more important things to worry about than just thinking about what is owned by his food for breakfast or what time he had to leave home. And the first time he had to think about these things more important.

First of all, how he was able to get up in the morning is an incredible miracle. Despite completely lost consciousness during sleep, but in the next day he returned again to the consciousness and personality. His heart was beating, he can breathe, speak and see. Yet when he went to bed, there is no guarantee that things will return to normal in the morning. Nor does she have any accidents that night. For example, omission neighbor who lived next door can cause gas leaks that can explode and wake her up that night. A natural disaster that can be fatal could happen in her neighborhood.

He might be having problems with his physical. For example, he might wake up with incredible pain in the kidneys or the head. But none of this happened and he woke up in a safe and healthy. Such thinking prompted him to thank God for their love and His care provided.

Start a new day with good health has a meaning that God gives a person an opportunity to return that can he used to get a better luck in the afterlife. Will remember all this, then the most appropriate attitude is to spend time on that day in a way that God approves.

Before all else, a person should plan for the first time and was busy thinking about things like this. The starting point in getting the good pleasure of God is by praying to Allah to make it easier to tackle this problem. Solomon's Prayer is a good benchmark for those who believe: "My Lord grant me the inspiration to remain grateful ni'mat which thou hast bestowed Thy to me and to my parents, and to do good works which thou ridhai; and join me with your grace down among thy servants the righteous "(Surah An-Naml, 27: 19)

How is human weakness encourages people to think? The human body is so weak when it had just woke up from sleep may encourage people to think: every morning he had to wash his face and brush my teeth. Conscious of this, he reflected on the weaknesses of others. Compulsion to take a bath every day, his appearance that would look terrible if the body is not covered by the epidermis, and its inability to resist sleepiness, hunger and thirst, these are all the evidence about the vulnerability itself.

"It is Allah Who created you from a position of weakness, then He made (you) after it became powerful position of weakness, then He made (you) after the strong is weak (again) and gray. He creates what He wills and He is the Knower, Powerful. " (Surat Ar-Ruum, 30: 54)

For people who have older, his reflection in the mirror can come up with many thoughts in his mind. When the age of two decades of his life, the signs of the aging process has been seen in wajahya. At the age of ketigapuluhan, the folds of skin starting to look under the eyelids and around his mouth, his skin no longer smooth as before, changes in physical form seen in most of his body. When entering the twilight age, his hair white and his hands become brittle.

For people who think about it, old age is the most significant events which indicates the perishable nature of worldly life and prevent it from love and greed will be the world. People who enter old age understand that the seconds have been close to death. His body was experiencing the aging process and is currently in the process of leaving this world. His body gradually began to weaken in spirit has not changed in spite of growing old. Most humans is very struck by the beauty or ugliness feel inferior because their faces during the young.

In general, people who used to be beautiful or handsome, arrogant, on the contrary that in the past faced unattractive feel inferior and unhappy. The aging process is clear evidence showing the temporary nature of beauty or ugliness of one's appearance. So that is acceptable and reasonable if a valued and rewarded by God is good morality and commitment shown a person to God.

Every time when the face of all human weakness to think that the only substance is the Most Perfect and the Most Great, and far removed from any imperfection is God, and he glorifies the greatness of God. God created every human weakness with a purpose or meaning. Included in this objective is that humans are not too in love with the life of the world, and not be deceived by everything they have in this life. Someone who can understand this by thinking that going to crave God created him in the Hereafter is free from all weakness.

All human weakness will remind one of the interesting things to ponder: the rose plants that emerged and grew from the black soil turned out to have such a fragrant smell. Conversely, a very unpleasant smell came from people who do not take care of his body. Especially for those arrogant and boast, this is something they should think and take lessons from him.

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