Sabtu, 17 Juli 2010


... This concept of information in the present has meaning far more significant than a half century ago, though. The scientist formulates a theory to interpret the term information. Social scientists talk about "information age". Information is now a concept that is very important for mankind.

The discovery of information about the origin of the universe and life itself is what makes the concept of information has become so important in this modern world. The scientists now realize that the universe is made up of "matter, energy and information," and this discovery has been to replace the materialistic philosophy of the 19th century that states that the universe is entirely composed of "matter and energy" alone.

So what does this all mean?

We will explain through an example, namely DNA. All living cells to function based on genetic information encoded on the double helix structure of DNA chains. Our body is also composed of trillions of cells each of which has its own DNA, and all our body functions are recorded in this giant molecule. Our cells using the codes tertuliskan proteins on DNA to produce new proteins. Information held by our DNA so capacity is very large so if you want to write, then this will take place 900-volume encyclopedia, the pages start to finish!

So whether composed of DNA? Fifty years ago, scientists would answer that DNA consists of core acids, called nucleotides, and various chemical bonds that tie these nucleotides. In other words, they used to answer it by mentioning only the material elements of the DNA. But now, scientists have a different answer. DNA is made up of atoms, molecules, chemical bonds and, most important, information.

Just as a book. We would be very wrong to say that a book is only composed of paper, ink and binding of books, because in addition to the three elements of this material, is information that really makes a book. Information is what differentiates one-volume Encyclopedia Britannica than just a "book", is formed by the preparation of random letters like ABICLDIXXGGSDLL. Both have paper, ink and binding, but which one has the information while the latter do not. The source of this information is the author of the book, an intelligence that has consciousness. Therefore, we can not deny that the information in DNA has been placed by something intelligent.

information, barriers to the theory of evolution and materialism

The discovery of this fact has sent materialist philosophy and Darwinism, its application to the Natural Sciences, Into A Dead-end, claims That philosophy materialist Because all living Things Are formed by matter alone And that genetic information appeared somehow by "chance." This is like saying a book That Could be formed from a random assemblage of paper and ink.

The discovery of this fact has placed the materialist philosophy and Darwinism, namely the application of this materialism in natural science, in the presence of large barriers. Therefore, the materialist philosophy states that all living things are composed of only the material and that the genetic information came into existence through a specific mechanism by "coincidence". This is as a statement that a book can be formed through the preparation of the paper and ink in a haphazard, random or accidental.

Materialism rests on the theory of "reductionism," which states that the information could eventually be reduced or simplified to be material. For this reason, the materialists say that there is no need to look for sources of information beyond the material. But this statement has been proved wrong, and even the materialists have begun to acknowledge this truth.

One of the leading supporters of the theory of evolution, George C. Williams, pointed out in a writing in 1995 about the errors of materialism (reductionism) who assume that everything consists of matter:

Evolutionist circles until now biologists are unaware that they are working with two fields that somewhat different: the field of information and field ... Two of these materials will never meet in one sense that is usually referred to by the term "reductionism" ... The gene is a package of information , and not an object .. . In biology, when you talk about issues such as genes, genotypes and gene repertoire (gene pools), you are talking about information, not physical reality kebendaannya ... The lack of the same words and the Creator that can be used to describe both the material and makes information is in a different world, which must be treated separately, and by using their respective terms. 1

Stephen C. Meyer, a philosopher of science from Cambridge University and including those that criticize the theory of evolution and materialism, said in an interview:

One thing I do in lectures to explain this idea to the students is: I am holding two computer disks. One diskette contains the software (= information), while the other was empty. Then I asked, "What is the difference in weight between the two computer disks is due to differences in the contents of the information they have?" And of course the answer is zero, no difference, no difference due to the presence of information on one floppy disk. This is because information is a quantity which has no weight. Information is not a material existence.

If so, how is the materialistic explanation explain its origin? What is the cause of the nature of matter can explain the origin? ... This raises a fairly fundamental obstacle for the materialistic evolutionist scenario.

In the 19th century, we believe that there are two basic existence in science: Matter and Energy. In the early 21st century, we now recognize that there are three basic existence, and this is information. Information can not be reduced or simplified to be material, nor into energy. 2

All the theories put forward in the twentieth century to simplify the information into the material - as the theory of the origin of life at random, independently of material settings, the theory of evolution in biology that attempt to explain the genetic information of species through the mechanism of mutation and natural selection - has failed. Professor Phillip Johnson, a leading critic of Darwinism, writes:

Real duality there at every level in biology is the duality of matter and information. Among philosophers of mind-science is not capable of understanding the true nature of the information because they assume that this information is produced by a process material (yakni. as Darwin's concept) and, therefore, not fundamentally different from the material. But this is only prejudice that would be eliminated with an honest mind. 3

As Johnson states, "information is not matter, although it is imprinted on matter. It comes from elsewhere, from an intelligence ...." Dr. Werner Gitt, a director and professor at the Germany Federal Institute of Physics and Technology, expressed much the Same thought:

As Johnson's statement, "information is not matter, although this information is printed on the material. This information came from somewhere else, from an intelligence ... "Dr. Werner Gitt, director and professor in Germany the Federal Institute of Physics and Technology, expressed similar thoughts:

Coding system always requires a non-material intelligence process. Content that is physically unable to generate coded information. All experience shows that each creative information indicates the existence of mental effort and can be traced up to the giver of ideas using their own free will, and who has an intelligent mind ... There is no natural law has ever known, nor is the process, nor the sequence of events have ever known that can cause the information appears by itself in matter ... 4

As we talk about the above, a book made from paper, ink and the information it contains. The source of this information is the intelligence of the writer.

And there is one more important thing. This intelligence existed before the existence of elements of matter and intelligence is what determines how to use elements of such materials. A book first appeared in the mind of someone who will write the book. The author uses her perangkaian logical and generate sentences. Then, in the second stage, it manifests this idea into material form. By using computer ata typewriter, he changed the information in his brain into the letters. After that, these letters come to the place of printing and forming a book.

Up here, we have come to the following conclusion: "If the material containing the information, then this material has been arranged in advance by an intelligence that has that information. First, there is an intelligence. Then the owner of this intelligence information is a material change, and, thereby, creating a design. "

intelligence that existed before the existence of material

Thus, the source of information in nature can not be matter itself, as the materialists claim. Sources of information is not matter, but an intelligence beyond the material. This intelligence is already present before the existence of matter. This intelligence is creating, shaping and developing the entire universe of this material.

Biology Is not the only branch of science leading us to this conclusion. Twentieth century physics and astronomy Also demonstrated the existence of an astonishing harmony and design, pointing to the existence of a Mind That existed before the universe and created it.

Biology is not the only branch of science that led us to this conclusion. Astronomy and physics of the twentieth century also prove the existence of harmony, balance and stunning design in nature. And this leads to the conclusion there is an intelligence that had existed before the existence of the universe, and He Who has created them.

Israeli scientist Gerald Schroeder, who has studied physics and biology at several universities like the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), as well as author of The Science of God (Science of God), made some important statements about this. In his new book entitled The Hidden Face of God: Science reveals the Ultimate Truth (Hidden Face of God: Science Reveals Truth), he explains the conclusions reached by molecular biology and quantum physics as follows:

A single intelligence, universal wisdom, surrounds the universe. A number of discoveries by science, the study of quantum properties of atoms forming materials (sub-atomic), has brought us very close to understanding that surprising: all existence is a manifestation of this wisdom. In the laboratory we feel it in the form of information that first physically manifest in the form of energy, and then terpadatkan into material form. Every particle, every form, from atom to human, seem to represent a level of information, a level of wisdom. 5

According to Schroeder, the scientific discoveries of our time at the meeting point between science and religion on the same one truth, namely the truth of Creation. Science is now rediscovering this truth, the truth has been taught religions of revelation to mankind for centuries.

LAUHUL Mahfuzh (Book-maintained)

So far, we have witnessed the conclusion of knowledge about the universe and the origin of living things. This conclusion is that the entire universe and life itself is created using the blueprint of pre-existing information.

The conclusion reached by modern science is actually very consistent with the hidden facts stated in the Qur'an about 14 centuries ago. In the Koran, the Book revealed to mankind as a guide, God states that Lauhul Mahfuzh (Book-maintained) has been there before the creation of the universe. In addition, Lauhul Mahfuzh also contains information that explains the whole creation and the events in the universe.

Lauhul Mahfuzh means "preserved" (Mahfuzh), so anything that is written in it have not changed or damaged. In the Qur'an, is referred to as "Umm al-Kitaab" (Parent Book), "Kitaabun Hafiidz" (Book of the Maintain or Record), "Kitaabun Maknuun" (Book of preserved) or as a book only. Lauhul Mahfuzh also known as Min Kitaabun Qabli (Book Assessment) because the story about the events that will be experienced by mankind.

In many verses, God declares about the nature Lauhul Mahfuzh. The first characteristic is that nothing is left behind or forgotten from this book:

And in Him are the keys of the unseen, no one knows kcuali He Himself, and He knows what lies on land and at sea, and not a daupun the fall but He knows (too), and not falling grain bijipun in the darkness of the earth and not something wet or dry, but written in a real (Lauhul Mahfuzh). (Surat al-An'aam, 6:59)

A paragraph stating that all life on earth was recorded in Lauhul Mahfuzh:

And not an animal that is on earth and the birds that fly with both wings, but the peoples (also) like you. We will never neglected nothing in the Book, then unto their Lord gathered. (Surat al-An'aam, 6:38)

In another verse, stated that "on earth or in heaven", in the entire universe, all beings and objects, including objects of an atom (atomic), though, is known by God and are listed in Lauhul Mahfuzh:

We are not in a situation and do not read a verse from the Koran and you do not do a job, but rather We bear witness against you at the time you do it. Not escape the knowledge of your Lord, even if seeasr an atom (atoms) in the earth or in heaven. No one is smaller and does not (yet) that lebi most from it, but (all recorded) in a real book (Lauhul Mahfuzh). (Surah Yunus, 10:61)

Any information about the human race is in Lauhul Mahfuzh, and this includes the genetic code of all human beings and their fate:

(They do not accept it) and even they were stunned because it has come to them a warner from (among) themselves, then the disbelievers said: "This is a very magical." Are we after death and after the ground (we'll come back again)?, It is a return that is not possible. We know what was destroyed by the earth from (bodies), and on the side We also have book-keeping (records). (Surah Qaf, 50:2-4)

The following paragraph states that the sentence of God in Lauhul Mahfuzh will not be endless, and this is explained by the parable:

And if all the trees on earth were pens and the sea (the ink), added to her seven sea (again) after (dry) it, He would not inexhaustible (written) sentence of God. Surely Allah is Mighty, Wise. (Surah Luqman, 31:27)


The facts that we have demonstrated in this paper proves once again that modern scientific discoveries confirm what the religions teach humanity. Blind faith the materialists who have been forced into science was even rejected by science itself.

A number of conclusions of modern science about the "information" role to objectively prove who is right in the feud that has lasted for thousands of years. This dispute has occurred between the materialist and religious understanding. Materialist thinking that matter has no beginning and there is nothing that existed before matter. Conversely, religion states that God existed before the existence of matter, and that matter is created and governed by God's infinite knowledge.

The Fact That this truth, Which has been taught by divine Religions - like Judaism, Christianity and Islam - since the dawn of history, has been proven by the findings of science, is an indication of the impending post-atheist age. Humanity is getting closer to realizing That Truly God exists and He is the "All-Knowing." Just as reminded to people in the Following verse of the Holy Qur'an:

The fact that this truth, which has been taught by the religions of revelation - such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam - since the beginning of history, has been proven by numerous scientific discoveries, is an indication for the termination of an atheist who soon arrived. Humanity closer and closer to an understanding that God really exists and he has "Knowing." This statement, as the Qur'an to mankind in the following paragraph:

Do you not know that Allah knows whatever is in the heavens and the earth?; That are such that there is in a book (Lauhul Mahfuzh). Lo! That is easy for Allah. (Surat al-Hajj, 22:70)

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