Sabtu, 17 Juli 2010



Many who argue that to "think deeply", one needs to hold the head in his hands, and solitude in a quiet room, away from the hustle and all affairs that exists. Indeed, they have been considered "think deeply" as something that is burdensome and troublesome. They concluded that this job is just to the "philosophers".

In fact, as already mentioned in the introduction, God requires humans to think deeply or thoughtfully. He said that the Qur'an was revealed to human beings to think or ponder:

"This is a book which We have sent down unto you, full of gifts that they may consider (ponder) the verses and get a lesson so that people who have the mind" (Surah Sad 38: 29).

What is emphasized here is that everyone should try to be sincere in improving the strength and depth of thinking ability.

Conversely, people who will not try to think in depth will continue to live in a very negligent. The word negligence means

"Ignorance (but not forgotten), left, in error, ignored, in carelessness." Human negligence who do not think is a result of forgetting or deliberately ignoring their goal of self-creation and the truth of religious teachings. This is a very dangerous way of life that can deliver a person to hell. Regarding this, Allah warns people that are not included in the group of people who fail:

"And do thou (a) your Lord in your heart with humility and fear, and by not amplify sound, in the morning and evening, and do not include people who are negligent." (Surat al-A'raaf, 7: 205)

"And warn them of the days of regret, (ie) when the matter was already decided. And they are in negligence and they do not (yet) have faith." (Surah Maryam, 19: 39)

In the Qur'an, Allah says about those who think consciously, thoughtfully and then finally up to the truth that makes them fear Allah. Instead, God also states that those who follow the blind imitation of their predecessors without thinking, or just simply follow the existing practice, is in error. When asked, the imitators who do not want to think it will answer that they are the people who run religion and faith in Allah. But because they do not think, they just do worship and activities of life without fear of Allah. The mentality of this group as described in the Qur'an:

Say: Unto whom this earth, and all there is to him, if ye know? "

They will say: Unto God. " Say: "Will you not remember?"

Say: "Who is Lord of the seven heavens and the Lord of the 'big Throne?"

They will say: Unto God. " Say: "Will you not be cautious?"

Say: "Who is in His hand is power over all things, He protects, but nothing that can be protected from (adzab) Him, if ye know?"

They will say: Unto God. " Say: "(If so), then from the street where you tricked (by magic)?"

"Nay, We have brought the truth to them, and indeed they are really people who lie." (Surat al-Mu'minuun, 23: 84-90)

Thinking can free someone from bondage magic

In the above verse, God said to man, "... then the path where you tricked (by magic)?. The word was bewitched or enchanted here have a meaning or a sense of mental paralysis that controls the overall human. Intellect is not used to thinking means that reasonable has been paralyzed, blurred vision, behaving as someone who does not see the reality before his eyes, means it has to distinguish the true from the false to be weak. He was not able to understand a simple truth though. He can not raise his awareness to understand events extraordinary events that occurred in the vicinity. He was not able to see the intricate parts of the existing events. What caused the society as a whole lost in life for thousands of years of neglect as well as distancing himself from thinking so as to appear has become a This sense of tradition is paralysis.

Magic that is collective influence can dikiaskan as follows:

Below the earth's surface there is a boiling layer, called magma, whereas the earth's crust is very thin. Thick crust of the earth than the entire earth is as thick skin of the apple than the apple itself. This means that magma is burning so close to us, under our feet!

Everyone knows that beneath the surface of the earth was a boiling layer with very hot temperatures, but the man did not think much about it. This is because the parents, relatives, relatives, friends, neighbors, the author of articles in the newspapers they read, the producer of TV programs and their professors at the university also did not think about it.

Allow us to invite you to think briefly about the issue. Suppose someone who has lost memories trying to get to know about him asking questions to everyone around him. First he asked where he was. Do you think that will come to mind when notified that below where he stood, there is a boiling ball of fire that can be radiated and scattered from the surface of the earth in the event of a severe earthquake or volcanic eruption? Let's talk further and suppose that this person has been notified that the earth where he was just a small planet that floats in a vast space, called the dark and empty space. This space has the potential danger greater than the earth materials, such as: meteor-meteor weighing tons that move freely in it. It is not possible meteor-meteor is moving toward the earth and then hit it.

Odds this person is able to not think sedetikpun when in a place filled with dangers that threaten every moment of his soul. He will think also how humans can live in a planet that actually continues to be precarious, very fragile and endanger his life. He then realized that this condition only occurs because of a perfect system without the slightest flaw. Despite the earth, where she lives, has an enormous danger, but to him there is a very accurate balance system that is able to prevent these hazards so as not to befall mankind. Someone who realizes this, understand that the earth and all creatures living on it can hold safely only by the will of God, caused by the balance of nature is perfect and without flaw that created him.

The above example is just one among millions, or even trillions of examples that should be pondered by mankind. Below is one more example that hopefully helps in understanding how the "negligent condition" may affect human thinking and the means of crippling the ability of wits.

Humans know that life in the world go by and ended very quickly. Strangely, they still behave as though they would never leave the world. They do the work in the world as if there is no death. Really, this is a form of magic or spell that bequeathed by generations. This situation affects so great that when one talked about death, people immediately stop the topic for fear of losing the magic that so far they had bound and did not dare to face this reality. People who mengabiskan his whole life to buy a nice house, lodging summer, a car and then send their children to good schools, do not want to think that one day they will die and will not be able to bring a car, home, or child- children with them. As a result, instead of doing something for the essentials of life after death, they chose not to think about death.

However, sooner or later every human being is doomed to die. After that, believe it or not, everyone will start a life that is eternal. Is eternal life took place in heaven or hell, depending on the charitable deeds during her short life in the world. Since this is a truth that will definitely happen, so the only reason why humans behave as if death did not exist is the magic that has closed or handcuff them due to not think and reflect.

People who can not liberate themselves from the magic with a way of thinking, which resulted in the omission of them, will see the truth with their own eyes after their death, as revealed to us in the Qur'an:

"Verily ye are in a state of neglect of the (things), then we reveal the lid than you (the cover) your eyes, then your vision is very sharp on that day." (Surah Qaf, 50: 22)

In the above verse vision becomes blurred because someone did not want to think, but his vision became sharper after he was resurrected from the grave and when to take responsibility all his deeds in the Hereafter.

It should be underlined that the human being may be intentionally allowed himself to be handcuffed by such magic. They thought that by doing this they will live in peace. Thank God that it is very easy for someone to change this condition, and eliminate mental disability or distorted, so that he can live in the consciousness to know the reality. God has provided a way out to men; people who reflect and think will be able to release themselves from the shackles of witchcraft at the time they were still in the world. Next, he will understand the purpose and ultimate meaning of all existing events. He also will be able to understand the wisdom of whatever God created all the time.

Someone may think whenever and wherever

Thinking does not require the time, place or specific conditions. Someone could think while walking on the highway, when I went to the office, driving cars, working at a computer, attending meetings with peers, watching TV or while eating lunch.

For example: at the time was driving the car, one sees hundreds of people were outside. When watching them, he was compelled to think about various things. In his mind pictured the physical appearance of hundreds of people who were seen a completely different from each other. None of them is much like another. It's amazing: even though these people have the same limb, for example, both have eyes, eyebrows, eyelashes, hands, arms, legs, mouths and noses, but they look very different from each other. When thinking a little deeper, he will be remembered that:

Allah has created human bilyunan for thousands of years, all different from one another. This is clear evidence of the Maha Perkasaan and the magnitude of God Almighty.

Human witness who was passing by and rushed to their destinations each, can come up with many thoughts in the mind of someone. When I first looked at, appeared in his mind: a man great in number, composed of individuals who are distinctive and unique. Each individual has the world, desires, plans, ways of life, the things that make him happy or sad, and his own feelings. In general, every human is born, grow up and mature, to get an education, find employment, work, marry, have children, educate and marry off their children, grow old, a grandmother or grandfather and eventually died. Viewed from this perspective, it turns out the way of life of all human beings are not much different; does not really matter whether he lives in the township in the city of Istanbul or in big cities such as Mexico, it made no difference at all. Everyone will die someday, maybe a hundred years from now none of those people who would still be alive. Recognizing this reality, one would think and ask himself: "If we all will die one day, then determine what is causing people to behave as though they would never leave this world? Someone who will die in a really good deed deserves really for life after death, but why almost all people behave as if their lives in the world will never end? "

People who think about such things is the one who called people who think and achieve a very significant conclusion from what he thinks.

Most people do not think about the problem of death and what happened afterwards. When suddenly asked, "What are you thinking now?", Then it would seem that they're thinking about everything that actually do not need to worry about, so it will not much use for them. However, one can also "think" things are "meaningful", "full of wisdom" and "important" at any time since waking up to go back to bed, and draw lessons or conclusions from what she thought.

In the Qur'an, Allah states that those who believe, think and ponder in depth all the events there and take useful lessons from what they think.

"Verily in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day, there are signs for those who understand, (that) those who remember Allah, standing, sitting or lying down and they think about the creation of the heavens and the earth (saying): 'Our Lord, there is no Thou created this in vain, Glory to Thee, so save us from the torment of hell. "(Surat AALI' Imraan, 3: 190-191).

The above verse states that because the people who believe are those who think, so they can see the amazing things of God's creation and glorify Greatness, Knowledge and Wisdom of God.

Thinking with sincerity as he exposes himself to God

For a reflection and so deliver yield benefits to a conclusion that is true, then one must think positive. For example: a person sees another person with a physical appearance that is better than himself. He then felt himself low because of weaknesses in physical than the person who looked more beautiful. Or he felt jealous of that person. These are thoughts that are not willed by God. If the pleasure of Allah is sought, then he should consider a way of good form which he saw as a manifestation of God's perfect creation. By looking at the beautiful as a beauty that God created will give satisfaction. He prayed to Allah to add to the beauty of the person in the afterlife. As for himself, he also asked God to blessed with the essential beauty and timeless in the Hereafter. The same is often experienced by a servant who is being tested by God to know whether the exam he showed behavior and a good mindset that God approves or otherwise.
Success in his examinations, ie in contemplation or thought processes that bring happiness in the afterlife, is still determined by the willingness to take a lesson or a warning of what he contemplated. Therefore, it is emphasized here that one should always think candidly as he exposes himself to God. Allah says in the Qur'an:

"He was the one who shows you the signs (of power) of His and down for you sustenance from the sky. And will never get a lesson unless the people who turn (to Allah)." (Surat Ghaafir, 40: 13).

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