Sabtu, 17 Juli 2010


Any conclusive evidence as described in section 1 of this artikeli has caused the Big Bang theory accepted by the scientific community. Big Bang model is the last point reached by science concerning the origin of the universe. Anyway, this universe has been created by Allah the Almighty to perfection without a flaw from nothing.
Dennis Sciama, who over the years with Fred Hoyle maintain steady-state theory, which is contrary to the fact of creation of the universe, explaining the final position they have achieved after all the evidence for the Big Bang theory was revealed. Sciama stated that he maintain the steady-state theory, not because he menanggapnya true, but because he hopes that this is true. Sciama goes on to say that when the evidence began to grow, he must admit that the game was over and the steady-state theory must be rejected. Prof. George Abel from the universities of California also received the final victory of the Big Bang and stated that there is now evidence to show that the universe began billions of years ago through the Big Bang. He admitted that he had no choice but to accept the Big Bang theory.

By winning the Big Bang, the myth of 'eternal matter' that became the basis of materialist understanding terhempaskan foothold into the trash heap of history. Then existence whether before the Big Bang, and what powers of the universe that led to 'no' with a giant explosion was natural when the 'no'? Arthur Eddington to borrow a phrase, this question clearly leads to the fact that 'philosophically repugnant' to the materialists, namely the existence of the Creator. Famous atheist philosopher Antony Flew says about it: "Unfortunately, the recognition is good for the soul. Therefore, I will begin with the recognition that the Atheist Stratonisian forced humiliated by consensus cosmology today. Therefore, it seems that the cosmologists center provides scientific evidence that natural the universe had a beginning. "

Many scientists who do not blindly place themselves as atheists have admitted roles in the creation of Mighty Creator of the universe. This Creator must be the One who had created matter and time, but is not bound by them. Renowned astrophysicist Hugh Ross says: "If the beginning of time coincided with the beginning of the universe, as space theorem statement, it causes the formation of the universe must have something to work on time dimension completely independent of and more was there from the time dimension of the universe. This conclusion tells us that God is not the universe itself, nor is God in the universe. "
That is, matter and time created by the Creator is not bound by them. This Creator is God, He is Lord of heaven and earth.

Actually, Big Bang has created a bigger problem for the materialist than the recognition of an atheist philosopher, Antony Flew. Because, Big Bang not only prove that the universe was created out of nothing, but he also created a very well planned, systematic and regular. Big Bang explosion occurred through a point which contains all matter and energy of the universe and its spread to every corner of space with a very high speed. Of matter and energy Therefore, they an incredible balance that surrounds many galaxies, stars, sun, moon and other celestial bodies. Natural law was formed, later known as the 'law of physics', which is uniform throughout the universe, and has not changed. The laws of physics that comes along with the Big Bang has not changed at all for more than 15 billion years. In addition, this law is based on a thorough calculation of one millimeter, so the deviation from the existing rate will result in the destruction of entire buildings and fabric of the universe. All of this suggests that a perfect order came after the Big Bang

However, the explosion could not bring perfect order. All the explosions are known tend to be dangerous, destroy, and destroy what exists. If we are told about the appearance of perfect order after an explosion, we can conclude that the intervention of 'smart' behind this explosion, and all the pieces are scattered by the blast has been driven very much in control. Sir Fred Hoyle, who finally had to accept the Big Bang theory after years of opposition, expressed this clearly: "Big Bang Theory states that the universe originated from a single explosion. But, as is known, the blast only destroys the material into pieces, while the Big Bang has mysteriously produced the opposite effect - ie material joined together to form galaxies. "

No doubt, if an order comes through an explosion perfect, it must be recognized that there are interventions that play a role in the Creator every moment of this explosion.
Another thing of remarkable order that is formed in nature following the Big Bang is the creation 'of the universe that can be inhabited'. Conditions for the formation of a habitable planet really very many and complex, making it impossible to assume that this formation is coincidental. After making calculations about the speed of deployment of the universe, Paul Davis, a professor of theoretical physics major, said that the speed has really unimaginable precision. Davis said: "The calculation of jelly placed very close to the speed of this development on critical numbers by which the universe will escape from the gravity and expands forever. A little slower and the physical universe will collapse, a little faster and a whole universe of matter was scattered long ago. Clearly , big bang is more than an ancient explosion, but explosions are planned very carefully. "

Famous physicist, Professor. Stephen Hawking said in his book A Brief History of Time, that the universe is built based on calculations and balances more accurate than we can imagine. By referring to the speed of deployment of the universe, Hawking said: "If the speed of this development in one second after the Big Bang is reduced if only for the number one per-hundred thousand million million, the universe would have collapsed before ever reaching the current size."

Paul Davis also explains the inevitable consequence of the balance and incredibly accurate calculation of this: "It is difficult to avoid the impression that the order of the universe now, which looks so sensitive to the slightest change in numbers, have been planned very carefully. Simultaneous appearance of the figures This looks wonderful, which is used as the constants of nature essence, must be the most convincing evidence for the existence of the universe design. "

With regard to the fact that these same American astronomy professor George Greenstein wrote in his book The Symbiotic Universe: "When we examine all the evidence, the thought that always emerges is that supernatural forces must be involved."
In short, while researching the amazing system in the universe, will we understand that the existence and how it works rely on a very sensitive balance and order which is too complex to be explained by coincidence. As is understandable, it is impossible to balance and order this incredible formed by itself and by chance through a huge explosion. Following the formation order of this kind of explosion like the Big Bang is one tangible proof of the existence of supernatural creation.

Design and order without tara in this universe would prove the existence of the Creator, and Science, Glory and His Wisdom is infinite, "Who created matter from nothingness and the ruling set without interruption. This Creator is Allah, the Lord throughout all of nature.

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