From the beginning, we have emphasized the importance of thinking, its benefits for humans and means that distinguishes humans from other creatures. We have also stated the reasons which prevented people from thinking. All this has the main purpose of encouraging people to think and help them know the purpose of creation itself, as well as to human science and the glorification of God's infinite power.
On the following pages, we will try to explain how people who believe in Allah and think about everything he encountered throughout the day and get a lesson from the events he witnessed, how he ought to be grateful and become closer to God after witnessing the beauty and science God in all things.
Surely what is mentioned here only covers a fraction of the capacity of a human thinking. Humans have the ability to at any moment (and not every hour, minute or second, but smaller units of time than that, ie every time) in his life. The scope of human thought so extensive that it is impossible to be limited. Therefore, the description below is intended to simply open the door for those who think they are not using the tools properly.
Please note that only those who think deeply who are able to understand and be in a better position than other creatures. Those who can not see the miracle of the events surrounding and can not use their reason to bepikir is told in the word of God as follows:
"And the parable (the people who called for) those who disbelieve is like a shepherd who called the animals who do not hear other than just calls and calls. They are deaf, dumb and blind, then (therefore) they do not understand." (Surat al-Baqara, 2: 171)
"... They have hearts, but did not he used to understand (the verses of Allah) and they have eyes (but) did not he used to see (signs of God), and they have the ear (but) did not he used to hear (verse- Signs of Allah). They are as cattle, they are even further astray again. They are the people who are negligent. " (Surat al-A'raaf, 7: 179)
"Or do you suppose that most of them hear or understand. They had no other, just like cattle, they are even more astray (from the animal herd)." (Surat al-Furqaan, 25: 44)
Only those who want to think who can see and then understand the signs of God's greatness, and miracles of the objects and events that God has created. They are able to draw a conclusion worthy of every thing, big or small, which they see around them.
When a person wakes up in the morning ...
No special conditions are required for someone to start thinking. Even for someone who had just woken up in the morning there were so many things that can be pushed to think.
Posted a long day in front of someone who just woke up from bed in the morning. A day when tired or sleepy feeling as if he had vanished. He is ready to begin the day. When thinking about this, he remembered a word of God:
"He who makes you a night (as) clothing and sleep for rest, and He made lunch for rising." (Surat al-Furqaan, 25: 47)
After washing the face and took a shower, he felt fully awake and in full consciousness. Now he was ready to think about various issues that do him. Many other more important things to worry about than just thinking about what is owned by his food for breakfast or what time he had to leave home. And the first time he had to think about these things more important.
First of all, how he was able to get up in the morning is an incredible miracle. Despite completely lost consciousness during sleep, but in the next day he returned again to the consciousness and personality. His heart was beating, he can breathe, speak and see. Yet when he went to bed, there is no guarantee that things will return to normal in the morning. Nor does she have any accidents that night. For example, omission neighbor who lived next door can cause gas leaks that can explode and wake her up that night. A natural disaster that can be fatal could happen in her neighborhood.
He might be having problems with his physical. For example, he might wake up with incredible pain in the kidneys or the head. But none of this happened and he woke up in a safe and healthy. Such thinking prompted him to thank God for their love and His care provided.
Start a new day with good health has a meaning that God gives a person an opportunity to return that can he used to get a better luck in the afterlife.
Will remember all this, then the most appropriate attitude is to spend time on that day in a way that God approves. Before all else, a person should plan for the first time and was busy thinking about things like this. The starting point in getting the good pleasure of God is by praying to Allah to make it easier to tackle this problem. Solomon's Prayer is a good benchmark for those who believe:
"My Lord, grant me the inspiration to remain grateful ni'mat which thou hast bestowed Thy to me and to my parents, and to do good works which Thou ridhai; and join me with your grace down among thy servants the righteous "(Surat An-Naml, 27: 19)
How is human weakness encourages people to think?
The human body is so weak when it had just woke up from sleep may encourage people to think: every morning he had to wash his face and brush my teeth. Conscious of this, he reflected on the weaknesses of others. Compulsion to take a bath every day, his appearance that would look terrible if the body is not covered by the epidermis, and its inability to resist sleepiness, hunger and thirst, these are all the evidence about the vulnerability itself.
For people who have older, his reflection in the mirror can come up with many thoughts in his mind. When the age of two decades of his life, the signs of the aging process has been seen in wajahya. At the age of ketigapuluhan, the folds of skin starting to look under the eyelids and around his mouth, his skin no longer smooth as before, changes in physical form seen in most of his body. When entering the twilight age, his hair white and his hands become brittle.
For people who think about it, old age is the most significant events which indicates the perishable nature of worldly life and prevent it from love and greed will be the world. People who enter old age understand that the seconds have been close to death. His body was experiencing the aging process and is currently in the process of leaving this world. His body gradually began to weaken in spirit has not changed in spite of growing old. Most humans is very struck by the beauty or ugliness feel inferior because their faces during the young. In general, people who used to be beautiful or handsome, arrogant, on the contrary that in the past faced unattractive feel inferior and unhappy. The aging process is clear evidence showing the temporary nature of beauty or ugliness of one's appearance. So that is acceptable and reasonable if a valued and rewarded by God is good morality and commitment shown a person to God.
Every time when the face of all human weakness to think that the only substance is the Most Perfect and the Most Great, and far removed from any imperfection is God, and he glorifies the greatness of God. God created every human weakness with a purpose or meaning. Included in this objective is that humans are not too in love with the life of the world, and not be deceived by everything they have in this life. Someone who can understand this by thinking that going to crave God created him in the Hereafter is free from all weakness.
All human weakness will remind one of the interesting things to ponder: the rose plants that emerged and grew from the black soil turned out to have such a fragrant smell. Conversely, a very unpleasant smell came from people who do not take care of his body. Especially for those arrogant and boast, this is something they should think and take lessons from him.
How some of the characteristics of the human body to make you think?
When looking at yourself in the mirror, someone thinks about various things that had never occurred to him. For example: eyelashes, eyebrows, bones and teeth do not grow continuously lengthwise. In other words, the body part where the limb growth will continue to be a nuisance and block his view, the members of the body stops growing. Conversely, hair that looks beautiful when growing lengthwise, do not stop growing. In addition, there is a perfect balance in the growth of bones. For example members of the upper bone will not grow lengthwise causing the body just looks shorter. All of these bones to stop at a certain moment as if every bone is to know how long they have to grow.
Of course, all that has been mentioned here occurs due to reactions of physics and chemistry occurring in the body. People who ponder these things will also wonder how these reactions occur. Who put the hormones and enzymes that are responsible for growth into the body in accordance with the required dosage? And who is controlling the concentration and time of secretion of hormones and enzymes?
It is undeniable that it is impossible to say that this all happened by chance. It is not possible cells or human-forming atoms which have no such awareness of doing so by itself. This is evidence that this phenomenon occurs because the power of God who created man in his best form.
While on a trip ...
After waking up and getting ready in the morning, people went back to work, school or doing their work outside the home. For believers, this departure is the beginning of doing good deeds that bring pleasure of Allah. When she left home and traveled to the outside, someone will find that many things can he think, for example, thousands of people, vehicles, trees, large and small, and there are a variety of things in many places. In this case, the views of people who believe the obvious, namely that he was trying to get as much benefit from what she encountered in the surroundings. He thought about the causes of the events there. Because what he saw happening with the knowledge and the will of God, then there must be a meaning behind the events or pemandanga it. Because God was the one who enabled him to go outside the house and put all of this scene in front of his eyes, then it is definitely the scene-view exists that must be seen and thought. Since woke up, he thanked God that had given him one more day of age in the world that could use as capital to get a reward from God. Now, he was able to start a rewarding journey for him. Aware of this, she remembered the word of God: "And We made the day for seeking livelihood," (Surat An-Naba ', 78: 11).
Berpedomankan verse, he made a plan about how to spend his time in the day by doing jobs that not only beneficial to other people but will also bring pleasure of Allah.
When in the car or on any vehicle with such a mindset, he returned thanks to God. No problem, no matter how far he must travel the distance traveled, he still has the means to go there. For ease of man, God has created various means of transportation to help people in travel. Even when the current technological advances have provided new means of transport such as cars, trains, airplanes, ships, helicopters, buses ... When contemplating this, someone will re-remembered: It is Allah who has created technology to help mankind.
Every day, scientists make discoveries and new innovations that could facilitate our lives. They make this all through the means that God created the earth. Someone who thought about these issues will enjoy the ride as he was grateful to God for the convenience provided to him.
On the way to their destination, he saw a pile of garbage with a bad smell, dirty places along the road. This raises many thoughts in mind:
While still in the world, God has given us information that helps us get a picture of heaven and hell, or to figure out where this second condition by using the comparison. Piles of garbage, smell and slums can cause stress or pressure in one's soul. Nobody wants to stay in place. This situation reminds one of hell and the verses which tells of hell. In many verses in the Qur'an God has told him everything that is not fun, dark and repulsive about hell:
And leftists, who were leftists?
In the (punishment) of a very hot wind, and hot water to a boil,
and in the shade of black smoke.
Neither cool nor refreshing. (Surat al-Waaqi'ah, 56:41-44)
"And when they are thrown into a narrow place in hell with chains, they are there for destruction. (It is said unto them):" Do you all for one destruction, but a lot of hope for Destruction "(Surat al-Furqaan, 25 :13-14)
By thinking of the verses above, people are praying that God will remove him from the torment of hell, and will forgive their iniquities.
Conversely, someone who does not use this way of thinking that will spend her time with the grumbling, furious and always look for scapegoats of every problem. He was very angry to people who accumulate waste and local government agencies who are late to collect and dispose of it. All day his mind busy with things such as: road full of holes; the people who cause traffic jams; his body drenched in the rain due to meteorological agency acted wrong in predicting the weather; harsh derision from the boss, and others. However, the vain thoughts that this is not useful in later life akhiratnya. Someone might stop for a moment and then wondered if she should have gone against a lot of things. Indeed, many people say that the main reason that prevents them from thinking, is all bustle, which requires them to work hard constantly in the world. They argue that they are unable to think because I was busy with the problem of food, housing and health. But this is merely an excuse to dodge. Responsibility and the condition has nothing to do with thinking as desired here. Someone who tried to think in order to seek pleasure of Allah will get help from Allah. He will see that, along with the passing days, the kind of issues that usually becomes a problem for him one by one unresolved; until he can take the time to think and think again. Only people who believe alone is aware of, understand and experience such things.
How does a world of colorful push one to think?
Still in his journey, he kept trying to see the wonders of the verses of God's creation or in the vicinity, and praise God when thinking about all this. When looking out through the window of her car, she saw a world filled with different colors. Then he thought: "How things will look if the world is not colored?"
Look at the pictures below and you even start thinking. Is the pleasure we feel from looking at the sea, the mountains or colored flowers that are not comparable as you can see it now? Is the sky scenery, fruit, butterfly, clothing and human faces as seen by you today to give satisfaction? Is a grace from God that we live in a world of bright cheerful and has a variety of colors. Every color that we see in nature, a perfect balance of color living things, these are all signs of copyrighted works and art characteristic of God's incomparable. Various colors of flowers or birds; and harmony or the graceful style of the existing colors; that none of these colors in nature that interfere with our vision; color sea, sky, trees such peace and harmony so that the cause was not tiring eyes us, all this shows the perfection of God's creation. By contemplating some phenomenon, someone will realize that every thing he sees around him are the result of science and power of God's infinite and absolute. Once aware of all the blessings that God bestowed it, he was a slave who fear Allah and beg Him for protection are not included in the group of people who are not grateful. In the Qur'an, Allah tells the phenomena of colors, and said that only those who have knowledge, namely those who delve further and think and draw conclusions and lessons from this phenomenon was the one who has fear of Allah:
"Do you not see that Allah sends down rain from the sky and the rain that we produce fruits of various kinds. And in between those mountains there are white lines and red, and there's an assortment of colors (also)-black . And thus (also) among humans, animals, reptiles and farm animals there are a variety of color (and type). Surely the fear of God among His servants, only the clergy. Allah is Mighty Forgiving. " (Surat Faathir, 35: 27-28).
How does a hearse passing on the street encouraging people to think?
Someone who was rushed to a place suddenly passed by a hearse. Truly this is a good opportunity to stop and compose himself. Landscape whom he met reminded him of death. One day he will also be in that hearse. No doubt about against him, no matter how much effort to avoid it, sooner or later death will come to him. No matter whether he was in bed, when in transit, or when on vacation, he would leave this world. Death is a reality that can not be avoided.
At such a time, a believer follows God remembered the verse:
"Every soul shall taste death. And then to Us you shall be returned. And those who believe and do righteous deeds, will we actually put them at high places in heaven, the flowing river- the river below it, they dwell. That's the best revenge for those who labor, (ie) are patient and bertawakkal to his Lord. " (Surat al-Ankabuut, 29: 57-59).
One's beliefs that the body will also be included in a coffin, dumped to the ground by his relatives, his name will be engraved on the tomb, will remove her love to the world. A person who voluntarily and consciously think about it understand that it is not unreasonable to claim ownership of the body that will one day rot in the ground.
In the above verse, God gives the glad tidings of Paradise after death to those who are patient and put their trust in God. Therefore, with the thought that one day he will die, a believer will try to live life with good morality as it was commanded by God to reach heaven. Each time he remembers her death, his determination to get stronger and push heaven to always strive to behave in accordance with akhlaqnya that the longer the better.
Conversely, people who tend to think of other things, and spend your life with an empty delusion, not thinking that one day the same thing would happen to them even though they ran into the hearse, every day past the graveyard, or even one most loved person dies in their own side.
In the daytime ...
When watching all the events that met throughout the day, people of faith are always thinking about the signs of Allah and seek to understand the meanings contained in those events.
He responded to every good or evil as something that has good as Allah wills. Wherever he was, at school, at work or in the marketplace, and with a prejudiced and think that it is God who created every thing, he always tried to understand the beauties and hidden meanings behind the events that created him to then undergo lives by complying with the revelations of Allah. The attitude of believers is described in the Qur'an:
"Men are not neglected by commercial and not (yet) by buying and selling the remembrance of Allah, and (from) establish regular prayers, and (of) paying the zakat. They are afraid of a day (that day) the liver and the vision becomes jiggle. (They do such) That Allah may reward them (with reward) better than what they have done, and so God increases His gifts to them. And Allah gives sustenance to whom He pleases without limits. " (Surat An-Nuur, 24: 37-38)
How do people think when faced with the difficulties encountered on the job?
Humans may encounter various difficulties during a full day. But whatever the difficulties, let him believe in God and think that "God tests us with something we are doing and think about life in the world. This is a very important fact that we should never forget one moment. Therefore, when having difficulties in everything we do or think, so it does not run as it should, we should always remember that all these difficulties have been confronted by God to us to examine our deeds. "
The thoughts that arise in the mind of a person is valid for all events, large or small, that he encountered throughout the day. For example, someone accidentally pay more due to misunderstanding or carelessness; a file that has been completed in hours using the computer can just disappear due to power disconnection; a university student failed the test even though he has been studying seriously ; someone was forced to spend the day waiting in queue to get a job due to the bureaucracy that is overly complex; lost documents can be a problem that causes a person's job is not known; someone to miss the plane, or bus when going to a destination that should be attended as early as possible ... There are many at all events a person experienced in life which he considers is a difficult or "problem".
While experiencing all these events, the believers will think and remember that God is testing the behavior and patience, so it is not unreasonable for someone who believes that he will die and take responsibility for his deeds in the Hereafter are affected by similar things and spend time with feelings of fear and worried about it. He understands that there is a good behind all these events. He never said "Ouch" to any incident. He prayed to God to ease the job-work and make everything as good.
When this difficulty has been passed with the advent of ease, he thinking that this is the answer to his prayer to God, God listens and, later, to grant his prayers. In the end he was thankful to God.
When through the day with the principles of thinking like this, then the person will never give up hope, worry, regret or suffer to whatever happened. He knows that God has created all this for a goodness and blessings. Not only that, he thinks that this happens not only when great events happened to her, but also in all things complicated, large or small, that he encountered in everyday life.
Think about it, there are people who do not find that important unfinished business as he wills. Or people who, when almost grabbed a goal, faced with a serious problem. This man suddenly became very upset, feeling worried and depressed. In short, he was filled with bad thoughts. Conversely, someone yag think that there is something good in all things, will try to find hidden meanings which God showed him through the event. He thought that maybe God has been doing this all for giving a warning to be more cautious and serious in handling the problem. Thus, he went back to the preparations which are more mature, and give thanks to God, saying "this might help prevent an even greater catastrophe."
Someone who missed the bus when going to a place, thinking: "may delay and dropping me off the bus has saved me from accidents or other hazards." He thought again: "perhaps there are many more had learned a similar hidden." There are so many such examples can be found in human life. The most important is someone's plans do not always implemented in accordance with what he wills. Suddenly he might find himself in a situation very different from what he had planned. In such conditions, personality and someone who behaves in a calm and always seek the good of an event will earn a fortune. This is because Allah says in His verses:
"Perhaps you hate something, but it is very good for you, and may be (too) ye love a thing, but it is very bad for you, Allah knows, and ye know not." (Surat al-Baqara, 2: 216)
As word of God above, we do not know but God knows. Therefore, only God who knows what is good and what is not good for us. Everything that happened to people just so that people take of Allah, Most Compassionate and Merciful as a place to complain and ask for help, and surrender to God completely.
Things that occurred when he was working on something ...
When doing something, one should not let his mind empty, but always think things are good. The human brain has the ability to think more than one thing at a time. Someone who was driving, cleaning house, working for a living, walking on the highway, at the same time can think of good things.
When cleaning the house, he thanked God who had provided facilities like water and detergent. Realizing that God loves cleanliness and the people who cleaned up, he looked at the job he was doing as a form of worship so that by doing so he earn the good pleasure of God. In addition, he was happy because it has been preparing for a comfortable place for others to clean the residence.
Someone who was working on something, constantly praying to God and begged facilitated in their work because they believe that he can not do a good job without the help of Allah. We know in the Qur'an that the Prophet set an example to us to continuously exposing themselves to God in solitude, and always remember Allah when doing something. Among these examples is the prophet Moses. He helped two women who met in the journey. After helping to give drink to beast gembalaan them, he prayed to God:
"And when he reached the source of domestic water Midian he found there a group of people who currently give to drink (their flocks), and he found the back of the crowd, two women who were inhibited (livestock). Moses said:" Did you mean (with doing so)? "Both women said:" We were not able to drink (our animals), before the shepherd's shepherd-return (livestock), and our father is old people who have advanced in years ". So he watered their flocks for ( help) both, then he returned to the shade and prayed: "My Lord, I really need something good that you sent down to me." (Surat al-Qashas, 28: 23-24)
Another example that we encounter in the Qur'an pertaining to this problem is the Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Ismail. God told the Prophet that both these people think good of other believers at a time when both are performing a job. They prayed to Him in connection with the work they are doing:
"And (remember) when Abraham raised (nurture) the basics of the House with Ismail (while praying):" Our Lord accept from us (our practice), real Thou art the Hearer, the Knower. "Our Lord, make we are both submissive to You and (make) our children and grandchildren among the people submissive unto Thee and show us our ways of worship and places of our pilgrimage, and accept our repentance. Verily Thou art the Most Exalted repentance Recipients Compassionate. "Our Lord, send to them a Messenger from among them, who will recite to them Thy Signs, and teaching them the Book (Al Quran) and Al-Hikmah (Sunnah) and purify them. Verily Thou art the Almighty, the Wise. " (Surat al-Baqara, 2: 127-129)
How cobwebs encourage people to think?
Many things can be thought of by someone who spent a day in the house. When is cleaning the house, he found a spider weaving its nest in a corner of the house. If he realized the necessity to think of animals that are often ignored this guy, he'll understand that knowledge has opened doors for him. Small insects being witnessed was a miracle. Cobwebs are a form of symmetry is perfect. He also impressed against a spider's small but has the capability to create a perfect design that are so amazing. After that he made a brief observation to get some other facts: fiber used the spider was 30% more flexible than rubber fibers with the same thickness. Fibers produced by this spider has such high quality so imitated by humans in the manufacture of bulletproof jackets. It was great, the cobwebs that are considered modest by most humans, it is made of quality materials equivalent to the ideal industrial materials in the world.
When watching a perfect design in living things around him, people continue to think until then encouraged her to discover more fascinating facts. When observing a fly that any time but have never seen noticed, or even feel very disturbed and anxious to kill him, he saw that the insect has a habit of cleaning themselves up to the smallest parts of his body though. Flies are often perched somewhere then washed his hands and feet separately. After that flies this dust on the wings and head by using hands and feet thoroughly. These flies continued to do so until certain of cleanliness. All the flies and insects to clean their bodies in the same way: with care and accuracy to the small things though. This suggests the existence of only one Creator who taught them how to clean themselves.
When flying, fly flaps its wings about 500 times each second. Yet not a single man-made machine that is able to have this incredible speed. Even if there is, the machine will be destroyed and burned due to friction. But the wings, muscles or joints of flies is not damaged. Flies can fly to arahmanapun without affected by wind speed and direction. With the most advanced technology, though, humans are still not able to make a machine that has the specifications and exceptional flying techniques as flies. Thus, living things that tend to be underestimated and less human attention, can do work that could not be human. No doubt, it is not possible to claim that a fly doing this solely because of the capabilities and intelligence he has. All the special characteristics of the flies is the ability that God gave him
Everything that is visible at a glance by humans turns out there is life in it, whether visible or not. Not even one square centimeter of the earth in which life is not contained. Humans, plants and animals are creatures that can be seen by humans. However, there are other creatures that are not visible to humans but humans are aware of its existence. For example a house which he inhabited filled with microscopic creatures called mites. "
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